Turkestan-Siberian Railway

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Turkestan-Siberian Railway
The Turksib in Otar station
The Turksib in Otar station
Route length: more than 2351 km km
Gauge : 1520 mm ( Russian gauge )
Route - straight ahead
Transsib from Krasnoyarsk
Station, station
0 Новосибирск / Novosibirsk
Trans-Siberian to Moscow
Station, station
6th Новосибирск-Юж.
Station, station
12 Иня / Inja
Transsib to Abakan
Plan-free intersection - above
Novosibirsk bypass of the Trans-Siberian
Transsib from Abakan
Station, station
14th Сибирская / Sibirskaja
Station, station
Матвеевка / Matvejewka
Station, station
20th Юность / Junost
Station, station
Ниж. Ельцовка / Jelzowka
Station, station
25th Сеятел / Sejatel
Station, station
Обское Море / Obskoje More
Station, station
Береговая / Beregovaya
Station, station
35 Речкуновка / Rechkunowka
Station, station
38 Бедск / Bedsk
Station, station
Обской Залнв / Obskoj Saliw
Station, station
57 Искитим / Iskitim
Station, station
Мраморная / Mramornaja
Station, station
Ложои / Loschoi
Station, station
Евсино / Jewsino
Station, station
Линево / Linewo
Station, station
90 Дорогино / Dorogino
Station, station
Посевная / Posevnaja
Station, station
109 Черепаново / Tscherepanowo
Station, station
Искра / Iskra
Station, station
Безменово / Besmenowo
Station, station
Огоньки / Ogonki
Station, station
Перуново / Perunowo
Station, station
Кп. Боец / Bojez
Station, station
Усть-Тальменская / Ust-Talmenskaya
Station, station
Луговское / Lugowskoje
Central Siberian Railway from Karasuk
Station, station
169 Среднесибирская / Srednesibirskaja
Station, station
Озерки / Oserki
Station, station
189 Цаплино / Zaplino
to Ukladochnyj (South Siberian Railway)
Station, station
Повалиха / Powalicha
Station, station
Белоярский / Belojarskij
Südsibirische railway from Abakan
Station, station
213 Аптайская / Aptajskaja
Gleisdreieck - straight ahead, to the left, from the left
from Biysk
Station, station
228 Барнаул / Barnaul
South Siberian Railway to Nur-Sultan
Station, station
Ползуново / Polsunowo
Station, station
Лебажье / Lebaschje
Station, station
Ядринцево / Jadrinzewo
Station, station
Зимари / Simari
Station, station
270 Калманка / Kalmanka
Station, station
Алтай / Altaj
Station, station
Шиловский / Schilowskij
Station, station
300 О. п. 300 km
Station, station
307 Topchicha / Topchicha
Station, station
314 О. п. 314 км
Station, station
Победим / Pobedim
Station, station
335 О. п. 335 km
Station, station
342 О. п. 342 km
Station, station
352 Алейска / Alejska
Station, station
Советская Сибис / Sowjetskaja Sibis
Station, station
Язевка-Сибирская / Jasewka-Sibirskaja
Station, station
Нецунаево / Nezunajewo
Station, station
400 Шилуново / Schilunowo
Station, station
Курейка / Kurejka
Station, station
Хлопуново / Chlopunowo
Station, station
439 Поспелиха / Pospelicha
Station, station
За Урожай / Sa Uroschaj
Station, station
Озимая / Osimaja
Station, station
469 Мамютово / Mamjutowo
Station, station
Зарница / Sarnitsa
Station, station
О. п. 498 km
Station, station
Тракторный / Traktornyj
Station, station
496 Рубцовск / Rubtsovsk
Station, station
Алтайсельмаш / Altajselmasch
Station, station
Колос / Kolos
Station, station
О. п. 527 км
from Karasuk
Station, station
522 Локоть / Lokot
to Syryanovsk
State border between Russia and Kazakhstan
Station, station
Аул / Aul
Station, station
Бельагаш / Belagasch
Station, station
Семей / Semei
from Sputnik (South Siberian Railway)
Station, station
641 Жана-Семей / Schana-Semej
Station, station
Шолтыхак / Scholtychak
Station, station
Дельбегетей / Delbegetej
Station, station
Суыкдулак / Suykdulak
to Novoustkamenogorsk
Station, station
749 Шар / crowd
Station, station
Суырлы / Suyrly
Station, station
Жалгызтобе / Schalgystobe
Station, station
Балакты-Коль / Blakty-Kol
Station, station
Жарма / sharma
Station, station
Ушбиик / Uschbiik
Station, station
Айгыржал / Ajgyrshal
Station, station
968 Аякоз / Ajagös
Station, station
Кошкентал / Koschkental
Station, station
Темекили / Temekili
Station, station
Тансык / Tansyk
Station, station
1101 Актогай / Aqtogai
to Mojynty
to Dostyk and China
Station, station
Каракум / Karakum
Station, station
Акбалык / Akbalyk
Station, station
Арганаты / Arganaty
Station, station
Лепси / Lepsi
Station, station
1247 Матай / Mataj
Station, station
Егинсу / Jeginsu
Station, station
Молалы / Molaly
Station, station
Уштоба / Üschtöbe
Gleisdreieck - straight ahead, to the left, from the left
after Tekeli
Station, station
1384 Коксу / Köksu
Station, station
Биже / Bische
Station, station
Аина-Булак / Aina-Bulak
Station, station
1466 Сарыозек / Saryösek
Station, station
Малай-Сары / Malaj-Sary
Station, station
Коскудук / Koskuduk
Station, station
Калшагай / Qapshaghai
Station, station
Жетыген / Schetigen
Station, station
1658 Алматы 1 / Almaty-1
BSicon .svgBSicon ABZgl + l.svgBSicon STR + r.svg
BSicon .svgBSicon STR.svgBSicon KBHFe.svg
1667 Алматы 2 / Almaty-2 (City Railway Station )
Station, station
Чемолган / Chemolgan
Station, station
Казыбек-Бек / Kasybek-Bek
Station, station
Копа / Kopa
Station, station
1814 Отар / Otar
Station, station
Курдаы / Kurday
Station, station
Бел / Bel
Station, station
Чокпар / Tschokpar
Station, station
Эспе / aspen
from Nur-Sultan
Station, station
1961 Берлик 1 / Berlik 1 (Brlik)
Station, station
Шу / Schu
Station, station
Аспара / Aspara
Station, station
Таты / Taty
Station, station
Курагаты / Kuragaty
from Bishkek ( Kyrgyzstan )
Station, station
2084 Луговая / Lugovoi
Station, station
Малдыбай / Maldyban
Station, station
Ак-Чулак / Ak-Tschulak
Gleisdreieck - straight ahead, to the right, from the right
to Shanghai
Station, station
2201 Taras formerly: Жамбыл / Schambyl
Station, station
Маймак / Majmak
Station, station
Буное / Bauyrschan Momyshuly
Station, station
Чокпак / Tschokpak
Station, station
Тюлькубас / Tülkibas
Station, station
Састобе / Sastobe
from Lenger
Station, station
2419 Шымкент / Schymkent
Station, station
Бадам / Badam
South Siberian Railway from Tashkent
Station, station
2498 Арыс 1 / Arys 1
Route - straight ahead
South Siberian Railway to Orenburg

The Turkestan-Siberian Railway , in short: Turksib ( Russian Туркестано-Сибирская железная дорога , Турксиб ) is a double-track , partially electrified , 2351 km long railway line in the Russian broad gauge of 1520 mm. It runs from Novosibirsk ( Russia ) via Semei and Almaty to Arys in Kazakhstan. The kilometer counts from Novosibirsk.

The line was completed in 1931 and connected the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of Turkestan (now Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , Tajikistan , Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan ) with the Trans-Siberian Railway .


Turkestan-Siberian Railway (section south of Barnaul )


Even before and during World War I , railway lines were built from both directions, which were later included as sections of the Turksib. This was the 650 km long Altai Railway ( Алтайская железная дорога / Altaiskaja schelesnaja doroga) from Novonikolajewsk (today: Novosibirsk) via Barnaul to Semipalatinsk (today Semei) from the east . From the west, Arys drove a route in the direction of Aulije-Ata (later Dschambul, now Taras ) and Werny (now Almaty). Arys is located on the Trans-Aral Railway from Orenburg to Tashkent, which was completed in 1906 (then: Tashkenter Railway / Ташкентская железная дорога ). At that time, Verny was the administrative center of the Siebenstromland Oblast (Semiretschje). Until the by the events of 1917 ( the February and October Revolution triggered) preliminary construction freeze some 200 km were up to the station Burnoje , 70 km before Aulije-Ata completed. After the end of the Russian Civil War , work resumed. The line was completed in stages in 1921 to Aulije-Ata and in 1924 via Lugowoi to Pischpek (later Frunze and today's Bishkek , the capital of Kyrgyzstan ). It was about 550 km long.

Major Soviet project

Entrance building of the starting point of the route: Novosibirsk
The route in the southern steppe of Kazakhstan
Otar station

From 1927 the connection of the two parts of the route through the steppes and semi-deserts of Southeast Kazakhstan became a major construction project of the Soviet Union's first five-year plan, which was carried out with considerable propaganda effort . While the building was still being built, a documentary film about the building was published in 1929, directed by Wiktor Turin . It is considered an important Russian document of the late silent film . The 1,452 km long route between Semipalatinsk (Semei) and Lugowaja was opened in 1931. With that the Turksib was completed. During this time the terms "Turkestan-Siberian Railway" and "Turksib" were coined. The term “Turksib” was expanded to include the two existing lines involved, so that it referred to the entire line Novosibirsk – Arys.

The Turksib created a connection between the developing economic areas of Siberia (e.g. Kuzbass ) and all of Soviet Central Asia, as from Arys via the Trans-Aral Railway also the Ferghana Valley , Dushanbe and via the Trans- Caspian Railway, which was built in the 1880s (Закаспийская железная дорога) Samarkand , Bukhara , Ashgabat and Krasnovodsk (today Türkmenbaşy ) on the Caspian Sea could be reached.

Independent railway administration

With the opening of the Turksib, an independent railway administration, the Turkestan-Siberian Railway , based in Alma-Ata (Almaty) was founded on January 2, 1931 , but only operated the Semipalatinsk – Arys section (1861 km) and its connecting lines. These include:

  • Lugowaja – Pischpek (from 1926 Frunze) and in stages (until 1950) extension to Rybatschje (today Balyktschy ) on the Issyk Kul : 322 km
  • Alma-Ata (Almaty), branch line to the city center (1931): 10 km
  • Tschimkent (today Schymkent ) - Lenger (1934): 29 km
  • Koksu – Taldy-Kurgan ( Taldyqorghan ) or Tekeli (1941): 95 km
  • Jambul (Taras) - Qaratau (1946): 90 km

In 1953 the station Chu (now Shu , 300 km west of Alma-Ata) the direct connection of Turksib on the Karaganda Railway ( Карагандинская железная дорога / Karagandinskaja schelesnaja doroga) to Karaganda (then Karaganda) and the nordkasachische route network. On June 13, 1958, the Turkestan-Siberian and Karaganda railways were combined to form the Kazakh Railroad ( Казахская железная дорога / Kazachskaja schelesnaja doroga) with its administrative headquarters in Alma-Ata.

The eastern section Novosibirsk – Semipalatinsk, which largely ran on the territory of the RSFSR , always remained with the “Siberian” railway administrations, initially with the Tomsk Railway ( Томская железная дорога / Tomskaja schelesnaja doroga), from which the Altai Railway was taken over from 1934 onwards from 1934 onwards East Siberian Railway ( Восточно-Сибирская железная дорога / Vostochno-Sibirskaja seleznaja doroga) and finally since 1961 with the West Siberian Railway ( Запападирская железная дорога / Vostochno-Sibirskaja seleznaja doroga) and finally since 1961 with the West Siberian Railway ( Запападирская железная дорога ) Further reorganizations followed in the 1970s and 1980s.

Todays situation

After the collapse of the Soviet Union , the West Siberian Railway still manages the section on Russian territory up to the Kazakh border near Lokot . The main line from there to Arys, as well as most of the branching lines, have belonged to the Qasaqstan Temir Scholy (Қазақстан Темір Жолы / Kazakh State Railways ) (KTS) since 1991 . The route is one of the most important transport links in the south of the country.

The electrification of the line, which began in 1989 from the west, reached Almaty in 2001. Since 2003 Talgo Express trains have been running on the Almaty – Shu section to the capital Nur-Sultan , the fastest trains on the Kazakh railways.

The eastern section of the single-track, non-electrified branch line Lugowaja - Bishkek - Balyktschy is today the only longer line of the Kyrgys Temir Dscholu ( Kyrgyz Кыргыз Темир Жолу / Kyrgyz State Railway) and the only line in Kyrgyzstan with passenger traffic.


  • Н.П.Лагутина, Т.Ю. Набокова, Т.П. Филатова: Атлас Железные Дороги . Omsk 2010, pp. 54, 55, 57, 85, 87.

Web links


  1. The kilometers according to Н.П.Лагутина, Т.Ю. Набокова, Т.П. Филатова: Атлас Железные Дороги . There only the distances between selected train stations are given, which have been added up here.
  2. The spelling of the station names is largely based on the Russian-language source: Н.П.Лагутина, Т.Ю. Набокова, Т.П. Филатова: Атлас Железные Дороги . As far as the Kazakh names were known, these were used.

Individual evidence

  1. Н.П.Лагутина u. a .: Атлас Железные Дороги .