Ulyana Kravchenko

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Ulyana Kravchenko 1893

Ulyana Kravchenko ( Ukrainian Уляна Кравченко , Russian Ульяна Кравченко , real name Julia Schneider , Ukrainian Юлія Шнайдер , Russian Юлия Юльевна Шнайдер ; born 16th or 18th April 1860 in Nikolayev , Empire of Austria , today Ukraine ; d. 31 March 1947 in Przemyśl , Poland ) was a Ukrainian poet and women's rights activist with German roots.


Ulyana Kravchenko was born into a civil servant family of Ukrainian Germans in Nikolayev in what is now the Rajon of the same name . Her father was a prominent man in the social and political life of Galicia in the 1860s and a supporter of the Ukrainian popular movement. He died when Ulyana was ten years old. Her mother Julia Lopuschanska came from a family of Greek Catholic priests. She raised her daughter to love folk music and oral traditions. Ulyana Kravchenko's literary interests were promoted by the fact that the family lived in the house of the mayor Leontjew Ustijanowitsch, the father of the poet and writer Nikolai Leontjewitsch Ustijanowitsch .

Ulyana Kravchenko was homeschooled. Your German teacher often spoke about literature. After the family had moved to Lemberg (Lviv in Ukrainian), they attended a teachers' seminar from 1877. Under the influence of Ivan Franko's poems , she began to write and learn the Ukrainian language. After completing the seminar in 1881, Ulyana Kravchenko began teaching in Galician cities and villages; For a long time she worked in Bibrka . In the same year, the magazine "Zarya" ( Russian Заря ) published her first poems and the short story "Kalitka" ( Russian Калитка ). Most of Uljana Kravchenko's works were printed with the support of Ivan Franko, who played an important role in her life.

In 1885 she began to work in the six-class Ukrainian girls' school "Basilius Institute" in Lemberg. In November of the same year she was dismissed from the teaching staff for supporting the Ukrainian phonetic spelling according to Ivan Franko and Mychajlo Drahomanow , because this contradicted the official Russified spelling.

She took an active role in the women's emancipation movement in Galicia, which campaigned for equal rights for women in social, work and family life.

Some time later Ulyana Kravchenko worked as a teacher for landowners in the village of Rudenko near Lviv. After that she lived for two years in Dolischnij Lushok near Drohobych . There Ulyana Kravchenko married a teacher, with whom she had a daughter and a son. From 1888 to 1920 she worked, with a few interruptions, in the village of Silzi near Drohobych.

Ulyana Kravchenko (right) with family 1920. With a hat: the youngest daughter Nusja. Back: brother-in-law Jaroslaw Sekela. On the nurse's arms: grandson Leo.

From 1920 onwards, Ulyana Kravchenko lived with her daughter in Przemyśl, where she died in 1947.

Artistic work

In 1885 Iwan Franko published the book "Prima Vera" with poems by Uljana Kravchenkov under her real name Julia Schneider. This work is strongly influenced by Iwan Franko. It became very popular.

In Ulyana Kravchenko's autobiographical book "Memories of a Teacher" ( Russian Воспоминания учительницы ) published in 1887, she wrote about the miserable state of public education in Galicia and the hard fate of teachers in particular.

In Uljana Kravchenko's poetry, social motifs dominate, the idea of ​​national liberation, for example in “Украине” (Ukraine) or in the cycle “Мысли” (Mysli) and in particular the topic of the emancipation of women, for example in “Вагання” (Wagannja ) or "Жінко, невольнице звичаїв темна" (Shіnko, newol'nize switschaїw temna).

She wrote enthusiastically about Ivan Franko and his friends, for example in the cycle of poems "Титаны" (Titany) and in "Мирону" (Mironu). She was a master of intimate and lyrical landscapes: "Моя любовь" (Moja ljubow '), cycle "В утесах" (W utesach). Some poems from the 1920s and 1930s have a mystical feel to them.

She translated Nikolaus Lenau , Andrzej Niemojewski , Jan Kasprowicz and others.

Ulyana Kravchenko wrote memoirs about Ivan Franko ("Великая дружба", Velikaya drushba, 1940; "Истинный друг и учитель", Istinnyi drug i utschitel ', 1941). Your correspondence with Iwan Franko from 1883 to 1915 contains important historical literature.


  • Prima vera (1885)
  • На новий шлях (Na novij schljach, 1891)
  • В дорогу (V dorogu, 1912)
  • Проліски (Prolіski, 1921)
  • Лебедина пісня (Lebedina pіsnja, 1924)
  • В житті є щось (W shittі є shchos, 1929)
  • Для неї - все! (Dlja neij - wse !, 1931)
  • Шелести нам, барвінку (Schelesti nam, barwinku, 1932)
  • Мої цвіти (Moij zwіti, 1933)
  • Замість автобіографії (Samіst awtobіografії, 1934)
  • Перший рік практики (Perschij rіk Praktiki, 1936)
  • Із записок учительки (Іs sapisok utschitel'ki, 1936, online )
  • Вибрані поезії (Wibranі poesії, 1941)

Web links

Commons : Uliana Kravchenko  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Уляна Кравченко. In: Миколаїв. Львівська область. Миколаївський район. Retrieved January 23, 2017 (Ukrainian).
  2. Уляна Кравченко. In: bibrka-city.in.ua. Retrieved January 23, 2017 (Ukrainian).
  3. Трагічна любов Уляни Кравченко до Івана Франка. In: Фотографії старого Львова. Retrieved January 23, 2017 (Ukrainian).
  4. Листи Івана Франка. In: i-franko.name. Retrieved January 24, 2017 (Ukrainian).