Ulrike Andresen

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06/26/05, teacher, series: self-portraits; Acrylic and oil on canvas; 60x50 cm; estate

Ulrike Andresen (born April 24, 1949 in Iserlohn ; † August 23, 2006 in Heide , Holstein ) was a German painter and graphic artist .


After graduating from high school in 1968, Ulrike Andresen enrolled at the Kiel University of Applied Sciences in the design department. After completing her studies, she initially worked from 1974 to 1975 at the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel as a graphic designer at the Chair of Prehistory and Protohistory. From 1975 to 1980 she found employment as an art teacher at the Stormarn School in Ahrensburg . With studies at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste Hamburg with Kai Sudeck, Andresen deepened her knowledge in the field of the fine arts from 1977 to 1983. In 1983 Andresen married the artist KD Arlt . A DAAD scholarship enabled her to spend one year in France from 1983–1984. After a legal clerkship in Hamburg from 1984 to 1985, she worked as an art teacher at the Nordsee-Gymnasium Büsum from 1985 to 2000 , interrupted her teaching in 2000/2001 for a sabbatical , and from 2001 to 2006 at the Nordsee-Gymnasium in Büsum and at the Kurt-Tucholsky-Gymnasium to teach in Hamburg.


Painting, graphics, sculpture - Ulrike Andresen's oeuvre includes all genres of the visual arts. In painting, she developed a highly abstract stencil technique from an initially expressive style. The always figurative image content is described in the addition of monochrome color fields. The works on and with paper form a large complex of works. Andresen has taken up and reworked her topics again and again using a wide variety of techniques. Drawing, watercolors, various printing techniques, stenciling, paper cutting, collage - the design technique is often an essential carrier of meaning in graphic work. Andresen is also looking for his own means of expression in sculpture. The NDR documentary "Ulrike Andresen - in the center of feelings" conveys some aspects of her unconventional approach. The Bayreuth Art Museum has a large collection of works on paper.

Exhibitions (selection)

  • 2013 Forever young , Bayreuth Art Museum
  • 2010 Andresen + Andresen (with Volker Andresen) Take | Maracke & Partner, Kiel
  • 2009 Me, Matisse and I , Stadtgalerie in the Elbeforum Brunsbüttel
  • 2008 Ulrike Andresen private - painting between individuality and stereotype , Stadtgalerie im Elbeforum Brunsbüttel and Kulturring e. V., Galerie Stücker, Brunsbüttel
  • 2007 Works by German artists from Schleswig-Holstein , Shenzhen Art Museum, China
  • 2006 Outlook - 25 positions from Schleswig-Holstein , Bayer Erholungsheim, Leverkusen
  • 2005 Linocut today , Borken City Museum
  • 1993 Between the dykes , with KD Arlt, Andreas Böhm, Sönke Dwenger, Ingo Kühl , Kerstin Rolfs, Claus Vahle and Klaus Wiethoff, Büsum Hafenkoog

Bibliography (selection)

  • Arlt, KD; Herold, Michael: Ulrike Andresen - graphic work , with contributions by Marina von Assel, Maren Welsch and Silke Radenhausen, Heide 2010.
  • Silke Eikermann-Moseberg (Mitw.): Me Matisse and I. On the occasion of the exhibition Me, Matisse and I from March 15 to May 3, 2009 in the Stadtgalerie in the Elbeforum Brunsbüttel . Stadtgalerie im Elbeforum Brunsbüttel, Brunsbüttel 2009, ISBN 978-3-931279-42-4 .
  • Böhm, Andreas: Restraint and decisiveness - comments on the work of the painter Ulrike Andresen , in: Dithmarschen - Zeitschrift für Landeskunde , issue 2/2007, pp. 37–42.
  • Eikermann-Moseberg, Silke: Ulrike Andresen and KD Arlt - Heimatlied , in: KUNST + LANDSCHAFT 06, Stadtgalerie im Elbeforum Brunsbüttel, BBK SH, Brunsbüttel, 2006, pp. 72–79.


  1. KD Arlt, Michael Herold (Red.): Ulrike Andresen. Graphic work. Heide 2010. p. 113

Web links

Commons : Ulrike Andresen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files