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The Ultimo (emphasis Último, of Italian (a) dì ultimo , (on) the last day ' and Latin ultimo , at last' ) is in banking , the last business day of a month . On this day, the bank's accounts are usually closed and the interest capitalization is made . Similarly, the end of the quarter or the end of the year is also used, and less often of the end of the day or week . It is said that e.g. As a payment to the end, at year-end or simply ultimo is made.

On the stock exchange, limited stock market orders (if no other term has been specified) typically expire at the next end of the month.

See also

Web links

Wiktionary: Ultimo  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Entry “Ultimo” in the Duden online dictionary
  2. ^ Markus B. Hofer, Hans-Helmut Kotz, Diethard B. Simmert, Karl-Heinz Ketterer (editors): Monetary and economic policy in social responsibility , issue 540 of Volkswirtschaftliche Schriften, Karl-Heinz Ketterer Verlag, (2004), ISBN 9783428116010 , Chapter 1.1.c: Current payment traffic trends - further development of large payments
  3. See for example: Wolfgang Holzer: Transfer and Transfer Policy within the Dawes Plan , Albert-Ludwig University, Freiburg im Breisgau (1928), page 32
  4. ^ FAZ-Börsenlexikon: Entry in the online FAZ