Universal life

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Administrative headquarters of Universal Life on Haugerring in Würzburg

Universal Life is a new religious movement that emerged in Würzburg . The original name Heimholungswerk Jesu Christi was changed in 1984. The teaching spread by the movement is based on new revelations .


The history of universal life is shaped by Gabriele Wittek . She is the spiritual leader and is referred to internally as “ God's prophet and messenger”.

The first small group of listeners arose in Würzburg. In 1977 a second group of listeners followed in Nuremberg , and the name was given as the home of Jesus Christ. This saw itself as a teaching and educational work.

In 1979 the Heimholungswerk Jesu Christi went public for the first time with brochures. In 1980 the associations became a community for the promotion of the homecoming work of Jesus Christ. The Inner Spirit Christ Church e. V. in Nuremberg and the Heimholungswerk Jesu Christi. The Inner Spirit Christ Church e. V. founded in Stuttgart . Rapid expansion followed in the German-speaking countries, Italy and Spain, which lasted ten to fifteen years. As a result of numerous lectures by Wittek and lively information and advertising activities, congregations of the “original Christians” called followers emerged in several places.

In 1984 the Homecoming Work of Jesus Christ was renamed Universal Life . Followers founded the first businesses. In 1990 the wave of expansion subsided in the first areas of distribution in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and Spain, but continued in other countries around the world.


In 1971 Gabriele Wittek had a "first moving vision", according to her own statements, in 1975 she received the "Inner Word", which according to Universelles Leben was initially a message from a spiritual being, from Emanuel, the "Cherub of Divine Wisdom", one of the seven archangels , as they are also passed down in the Christian tradition. Emanuel was also incarnated in the Old Testament prophet Isaiah . Later Jesus Christ revealed himself and also God .

In their opinion, Wittek's proclamations are “God's commission to be fulfilled by a prophet”. The teachings are imparted by Gabriele Wittek. According to the principles of Universal Life, they are considered to be revelations that "Gabriele" has received and passed on as a prophetess since 1975. In addition to the Sermon on the Mount , the interpretation of which by Franz Alt appeared in 1982 as part of the retrofitting debate , before the “first early Christian community for the Kingdom of Peace of Jesus Christ” adopted the work of the Englishman GJR Ouseley (see below) , and in the Ten Commandments they are the foundations of faith . Man can be accepted or accepted by God through charity , repentance , forgiveness and reparation . The Spirit of God is omnipresent in all forms of life. There is no "eternal hell", no punishing God and no "secrets of God", instead the "law of sowing and reaping" and the possibility of reincarnation. Animals are also fully capable of suffering and have an immortal partial soul, which is why a vegetarian diet is recommended. Gabriele Wittek is considered by the followers of Universal Life to be the greatest prophet since Jesus of Nazareth, but according to Universal Life, she is not venerated in any way, but refers again and again to "Christ".

Universal life sees itself as the early Christian community of faith that is linked to the teaching of Jesus Christ. According to the revelations given by Gabriele Wittek, there were forgeries, distortions and contradictions in the Bible . The book Das ist mein Wort - Alpha und Omega (see main work of the publishing house Das Wort ) is recognized as true without reservation and taken as a guideline for ethical action , a version of the supposedly by JR Ouseley revised and supplemented according to his self-understanding of Christ himself by Gabriele Wittek (1835–1906) received as a revelation in 1881 and published in 1901 by this modern-apocryphal "Gospel of the perfect life". It focuses on the life of Jesus of Nazareth, faith also through “doing the right thing”, the 10 commandments and the Sermon on the Mount from the Bible, supplemented by the interpretation for the present, the other focuses on reincarnation, vegetarianism , love of animals and alcohol abstinence .

Further revelations state that the church has falsified Christian teaching, for example Jesus did not want dogmas and priests or church buildings .

On April 18, 1987, in a great revelation and a. talked about the “inner way”: a mystical training path, in which one assumes that God can be found in man and in all forms of life, according to the word of Jesus: “The kingdom of God is 'in' you”.

God is considered an impersonal principle, the “ ether ” that pervades all being and contains all positive and negative forces. This “primal force” created spiritual beings such as “God the Father” and “God the Son”, but also the female principle “Satana”, which rebelled against God. It has become "Lucifer" and has gathered followers around it who are referred to as "fall beings". These "fall beings" are materialized into people. The spirit being "Christ" planted a spark of the "primordial power" in every human being as a human shell. Thus it was made possible for every soul to return to God. This "bringing home" by Jesus Christ consists in bringing back the materially burdened spark into pure "universal life". Depending on the psychological strain, a person may have to go through numerous rebirths and thus work through his karma , the sum of all good and bad deeds from all lives. Christ had erased the “human karma”, but each individual must, with Christ's help, rediscover his divine inheritance.

Characteristic of the teaching of Universal Life is also the strong belief in an imminent period of upheaval, which will be followed by a " millennial kingdom of peace". Whether a certain person is allowed to enter this realm, determine his karma, which has developed during his time as a materialized being. This threatening "end of the world" requires intensive educational work. Special emphasis is placed on the peace between humans, nature and animals, which in practice u. a. Animal and nature protection , vegetarian nutrition and "peaceful" farming ( three-field farming without pesticides, without genetic manipulation, without dung and slurry and with gentle tillage).

Another ideological focus of the belief in reincarnation arises in connection with the denial of the redemptive work of Jesus according to the general theological understanding of the Christian churches. Accordingly, in the Second Council of Constantinople (553 AD), the supposedly Christian belief in reincarnation was abolished (cf. the controversial view of the early Christian church theologian Origen ) and corresponding biblical passages were deleted. Wittek writes about it literally: “At the same time, the belief was condemned that one day all souls and people would return to God”, and teaches a so-called “way of erosion”, according to which man must suffer what he had previously done to the “kingdoms of nature” until, after repeated rebirths and erosion or, more easily, the recognition, repentance and failure to increase his transgressions, he can " return easily and exhilarated to the subtle , eternal kingdom".

In the revelations Christ demands from people who want to work intensively for his work of redemption, also economic and social activities, the success of which occurs as a direct result of a life according to the divine laws.


The events of Universal Life are broadcast at home and abroad, which they call "places of early Christian encounter".

The followers are encouraged to recognize themselves daily and to repent of what separates them from God, to ask for forgiveness for it, to forgive others, to make amends for bad things and not to do again what is recognized as bad (inner path, cycle of cleansing ).

In order to reach the state of the "advanced God-man" more quickly, the followers are expected to renounce "earthly things" such as drugs and certain foods such as meat , and to exercise restraint during sexual intercourse . The coexistence of families in shared flats is seen as an ideal .

New followers are being recruited through posters, advertisements, flyers and, increasingly, via the Internet. In addition, they propagate a vegetarian way of life in Universal Life and give a community office as a source for further information.

According to the organization's own account, any " fanaticism " regarding all of these things would be rejected. Rather, every person should act voluntarily and out of conviction to the best of their knowledge and belief.


The trailers meet in rooms rented for this purpose. Such “places of early Christian encounter” existed in 26 cities in Germany until 2010, before their number was halved that year.

Entertain followers of Universal Life a. a private school ( learn with me ), a privately run “natural clinic”, a publishing house and run farms according to the criteria of controlled organic farming , as well as according to their own spiritual principles (no livestock farming, no use of manure and manure). These businesses ("Christ businesses") are not officially linked to Universal Life.

The universal life is mainly financed through its numerous "Christ businesses", as well as through the online grocery store Lebe Gesund. In addition, Universal Life asks for donations on its television channels, on posters and handouts and officially states that it is financed only through these. Followers are also asked to bequeath their own property, be it home or property, to Universal Life.

Organizations and companies

Good for life sales booth on the Viktualienmarkt in Munich
Second sales stand of Gut zum Leben on the Viktualienmarkt in Munich

Companies associated with UL act as manufacturers and marketers of organic foods. The companies Gut zum Leben and Lebe Gesund, which are mainly run by supporters of universal life, have 58 market stalls and shops in 41 cities (as of early 2011). The organic food that is sold is partly grown or produced in operations by supporters of the organization. The main shareholder of these companies is the Gabriele Foundation .

Universelle Leben is active in publishing through the publishing house Das Wort GmbH and Radio Santec . In addition, several satellite TV channels ( Earth & Man , New Jerusalem , Die neue Zeit TV , Sophia TV , a radio station from Radio Santec, the last two via Astra satellite) broadcast programs from the environment of universal life and advertise the Books with words of the prophet Gabriele. The publishing house Das weisse Pferd GmbH disseminates topics and opinions from the UL environment through literature critical of the church.


There is no formal membership in Universal Life. Estimates by the Religious Studies Media and Information Service (REMID) assume 2000 to 5000 followers in Germany. Goldner specifies the number of followers for the German-speaking area as “between 10,000 and 40,000, perhaps 100,000 worldwide”.

The Verein Universelles Leben e. V. has around 500 members. The inner circle is also known as the “New Jerusalem Covenant Church”. He lives mainly in the area around Michelrieth in the Würzburg region in shared flats and works mainly in companies that belong to followers. After Bavaria , the rest of southern Germany, Austria, Italy and Switzerland are the main distribution areas. There are meetings of followers all over the world, according to the movement.


Animal rights scene


Anti-hunting demonstration of the "Initiative to Abolish Hunting" in Berlin, 2005
Advertising for vegetarian and vegan nutrition on UL posters

Since 2000, the animal rights initiative Maqi , founded by Achim Stößer , has been reporting on attempts by universal life to gain a foothold in the animal rights scene through animal protection issues and in particular anti- hunting activism. In July 2002, for example, a press release commented on events relating to a symposium "Nature without Hunting" in Berlin, which among other things said: "Whoever wants to campaign for animal rights in a credible manner has to get away from UL and its" Christ operations "and infiltrated organizations and groups distance."

Maqi was then attacked with several lawsuits and legal declarations of cease and desist, among other things because an address of the "prophetess" had been given and a domain existed which contained the name Universal Life in the name and which was forwarded to a website created by Maqi about Universal Life. Apart from such formalities, however, there were apparently no content-related objections on the part of the religious community. The demand “to refrain from… with reference to a lecture by Klaus Meurer or its citation,… with reference to the journal Christ State, Extra Sheet No. 9, November 1991 or its citation, to assert or to give the impression that the faith community Universelles Life is anti-Semitic, fascist or racist ”, remained unsuccessful.

The booklet Universal Life - A Danger to the Animal Rights Movement, published in September 2002 , reported u. a. about people and organizations in the area of ​​universal life (“Good for Life”, “Live Healthy! Dispatch”, “Towards Nature”, Burning Glass Publishing, Initiative to Abolish Hunting, Radio Santec, etc.). There was also evidence that Christ businesses, contrary to the alleged animal friendliness, traded in products for which animals were exploited. The above-mentioned Klaus Meurer and the magazine Christusstaat were cited, among others , which could give the impression that the universal life religious community is anti-Semitic, fascistoid or racist.

Voice magazine

The animal rights magazine Voice reported that leading members of universal life were increasingly active within the German animal rights scene. Furthermore, structures within the universal life and the connection network of the organization were examined in more detail. As a result, the magazine received several requests for cease and desist statements and ultimately lawsuits from Universal Life, among others. a. because of the title page, images on the same and individual formulations. In particular, the depiction of a swastika in connection with universal life was criticized. In so far as it was not about expressions of opinion, but about untrue statements of fact or abuse, judicial injunctions were issued. Voice magazine was subsequently discontinued for cost reasons.

Controversy over allegations of anti-Semitic tendencies (withdrawn)

Regarding the allegations made by the State of Berlin in 1997 that universal life stirs up anti-Semitic prejudices, the representatives of the state later announced: “As early as 1999, the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Sport had decided based on new findings, the following ... the statements from the Report from 1997 not to be maintained: - Anti-Semitic prejudices would also be fueled in writings of Universal Life ... "With the rejection of the appeal, however, Plaintiff Universelles Leben failed with the demand" that he and the religious community of the same name no longer appear in the reports at all should be mentioned. ”The 130-page publication Risks and Side Effects with information on universal life, among other things, was therefore still available online on the website of the Senate Department for School, Youth and Sport.

Dealing with the major Christian churches

Universal life presents itself as an early Christian community persecuted by the Catholic and Protestant denominations, the treatment of which by the major churches follows on from the history of the crusades, persecution of heretics, the persecution of Jews and the burning of witches.

This is clearly contradicted by the church. From the point of view of the two large churches, universal life is a syncretistic new revelation religion with some Christian elements. The doctrine is made up of elements that theologians call "Christian, Hindu and Gnostic", with Christian and Hindu terms often being filled with new content.

The Evangelical Central Office for Weltanschauung questions writes: "The Christian set pieces in the belief system of the UL are consistently distorted in their original character and a pure facade." Conversely, the Community of Universal Life holds the two churches not to be Christian.

Judgment by German courts

The Bavarian Administrative Court stated:

"The structure of community life, as it emerges from the" community order "of" Universal Life ", may be described as a totalitarian structure in a sharp and exaggerated formulation without violating the constitution."

- Ref. 7 CE 93.2403 / M 7 E 93.1976

The opinion of the qualified psychologist Alfred Spall from July 12, 1993 is included in the judgment of the court:

"The goal is clearly not the independently thinking and thus responsible person, but the one who has already overcome thinking, who submits to the ideology of the work without criticism." […] De-individualization is only declared as purification, as a conscious transformation of the negative […]. People who are rooted in God keep away from all discussions and opinions of their fellow human beings. "


  • Wolfgang Behnk: “Farewell to early Christianity?” Gabriele Wittek's “Universal Life” between paranoia and institutionalization. Münchner Texte, Munich 1994, ISBN 3-583-50210-8 .
  • Martin Elze: Other Christian churches and other religious communities. In: Ulrich Wagner (Hrsg.): History of the city of Würzburg. 4 volumes, Volume I-III / 2, Theiss, Stuttgart 2001-2007; III / 1–2: From the transition to Bavaria to the 21st century. 2007, ISBN 978-3-8062-1478-9 , pp. 495-498, here: pp. 496 f.
  • Michael Hitziger: Doomsday near Würzburg: A dropout reports seventeen years in the sect Universal Life of the prophet Gabriele Wittek. Hans Schiler Verlag , Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-89930-227-1 .
  • Werner Thiede: Sectarianism - Weeds under the wheat? Neukirchen-Vluyn 1999 (esp. 119 ff. And 150 ff. On belief in reincarnation)
  • Matthias Pöhlmann (Ed.): Universelles Leben. Contributions to a controversial new religion. EZW -tex 213, Berlin 2011.
  • Wolfram Mirbach: “Universal Life”: the only true Christians? A new religion between claim and reality. Herder, 1996.
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Haack : Gabriele Wittek's "Universal Life". Evangelical Press Association for Bavaria, 1986.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Prophetess against will. ( Memento of the original from December 28, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. on: universelles-Leben.org @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.universelles-leben.org
  2. ^ Franz Alt: Peace is possible. The politics of the Sermon on the Mount. Piper, Munich 1983, ISBN 3-492-00584-5 .
  3. Martin Elze (2007), p. 496 f.
  4. Martin Elze (2007), p. 496 f.
  5. The Gospel of Jesus. What was 2000 years ago? Das Wort, Rottweil 1986, ISBN 978-3-8920-1000-5 .
  6. The most momentous intervention in the inner religion: The removal of reincarnation from the teaching of the wise men and prophets. ( Memento of the original from January 20, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. on: universelles-leben.org @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.universelles-leben.org
  7. ^ Meeting of all seekers of God. Places of early Christian encounter. Christ, the key to the gate of life. ( Memento of the original from October 12, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. On: universelles-leben.org @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.universelles-leben.org
  8. Archived copy ( Memento of the original dated August 10, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.lebegesund.de
  9. Archived copy ( Memento of the original dated August 10, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.lebegesund.de
  10. ^ Claudia Peintner: Organic food from Bible farmers , Wiener Zeitung from August 19, 2011
  11. ^ Religions in Germany: Membership Numbers . on the website of the Religious Studies Media and Information Service e. V. - REMID.
  12. Colin Goldner: Animal Rights and Esotericism - A Critique. . In: Soften the stone heart of infinity . Alibri Verlag, May 31, 2007, ISBN 978-3-86569-014-2 .
  13. Universal Life - Sect undermines the animal rights movement. June 30, 2002 at: maqi.de
  14. Achim Stößer: Universal Life complains against animal rights activists. on: tierrechtsforen.de October 20, 2007.
  15. Universal Life - A Danger to the Animal Rights Movement. On: maqi.de
  16. Thomas John: "Sect Reports" of the Senate lawful. Press release from the Berlin Senate Administration, October 16, 2003
  17. ^ Anne Rühle, Ina Kunst: ??? "SECT" ??? - Risks and side effects - INFORMATION on selected new religious and ideological movements and psychological offers. ( Memento of July 16, 2006 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 1.6 MB) Senate Department for School, Youth and Sport (Ed.), December 1997, online until at least July 15, 2006
  18. EZW compact information: Universelles Leben ( Memento of the original from March 31, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 177 kB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.ekd.de
  19. Who is sitting on Peter's chair? ( Memento of the original from September 2, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. On: universelles-leben.org, accessed on June 25, 2011. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.universelles-leben.org
  20. a b Scanned edition ( Memento of the original from March 2, 2005 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. of the court judgment @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.bbs-wertheim.de
  21. Constantin Magnis: In the realm of peace of the eco-sect. In: Cicero. September 2008.

Coordinates: 49 ° 47 ′ 59 "  N , 9 ° 56 ′ 16"  E