Uwe Reimer

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Uwe Reimer (born February 16, 1948 in Hamburg , † February 23, 2004 in Göttingen ) was a German author who wrote numerous books on historical and social studies topics.


Uwe Reimer was born in Hamburg in 1948. He attended high school in Altona, where he graduated from high school in 1967. He studied history and philosophy at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich , where he met his later co-author Lutz Tornow , with whom he was friends until the end of his life. Uwe Reimer received his doctorate in 1978.

His first book publication in two volumes, Everyday Life under the Swastika (1980), was criticized in Germany for being too uncritical. In Japan, however , Reimer's portrayal of National Socialism found more supporters, so that the book was translated (see DDB) and temporarily used in school lessons. Reimer's subsequent works initially received little attention, until he succeeded in working with Lutz Tornow in Die USA (1992), a work that was widely praised.

Due to health problems, he withdrew into family life with his wife and two children and was only active as a writer to a limited extent. Uwe Reimer died in Göttingen in 2004.


The personality described should not be confused with Uwe Detlev Reimer , a Rector Johannei (director of the Johanneum).

Works (selection)

  • with Harald Focke: Everyday life under the swastika. How the Nazis Changed the Lives of Germans , Reinbek: Rowohlt, 1979, ISBN 349914431X
  • with Harald Focke: Everyday life of the disenfranchised. How the Nazis dealt with their opponents (everyday life under the swastika II) , Reinbek: Rowohlt, 1980, ISBN 3499146258
  • with Lutz Tornow: The USA , Frankfurt: Diesterweg, 1992, ISBN 3425032585

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