Treaty of Windsor (1522)

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The Treaty of Windsor was born on June 19, 1522 between King Henry VIII. Of England and Emperor Charles V closed.

On the one hand, the paper dealt with the plan of a joint attack on France , provided that each side made at least 40,000 men available. Charles V agreed to compensate England for the last debts he had to pay because of the conflict with France in the context of the Italian wars . As a result of the contract, the English attacked in July of Calais from the Brittany and Picardy to. For lack of money, King Francis I of France was unable to raise large mercenary armies to offer resistance, and the English army pillaged and plundered these regions.

On the other hand, Henry VIII forged a marriage alliance for his only daughter Maria Tudor , who was six years old at the time, in the contract after the failure of an earlier marriage plan . Mary's husband was to become her first cousin and Holy Roman Emperor , Charles V. But even this marriage plan fell apart a few years after the contract was signed.
