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Classification according to ICD-10
E25 Adrenogenital disorders


Adrenal pseudohermaphroditism femininus Adrenogenital syndromes with virilization or feminization, acquired or due to adrenal hyperplasia with hormone synthesis disorder as a result of congenital enzyme deficiency Heterosexual pseudopuberty praecox feminina Isosexual pseudopuberty praecox feminina isosexual pseudopuberty praennox masculina in male sex hyperebrogenitosomia in male sex prevalence in male sex hyperebrogenitis

ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

Virilization (synonym: virilism; from Latin vir , "man") means masculinization in medical terminology, i.e. a pronounced androgenization of the body and gender characteristics, which change clearly masculine .

Clinically, one can differentiate between three stages:

  • Hypertrichosis : a pronounced hair, but still corresponding to the female type. The features mainly focus on the forearms and lower legs. The upper lip can be easily affected.
  • Hirsutism as one of the most visible changes in women (and children): the hairiness of the body shifts significantly to a male appearance. Pronounced hairiness can be observed on the upper lip , chin , thighs , pubic region up to the navel and on the chest due to the conversion of vellus hair into terminal hair , an abnormal increase in the male hair type
  • Virilism: strong virilization (masculinization) with previously described hairs.

Additional secondary male sexual characteristics: deeper voice through enlargement of the larynx , masculinization of body proportions through muscle gain, enlargement of the clitoris ( clitoral hypertrophy ), alopecia , increase in libido , psychological changes. The monthly menstrual period usually stops due to the change in the hormonal balance .


Virilization is based on the increased release of androgens and can have the following reasons

See also: virility .


  • W. Pschyrembel, Clinical Dictionary, Verlag Walter de Gruyter, 265th edition (2014) ISBN 3-11-018534-2
  • FC Sitzmann: Pediatrics. Diagnostics - therapy - prophylaxis. 6th edition, Hippocrates 1988, ISBN 3-7773-0827-7 .

Web links

Wiktionary: Virilization  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations