Virolai de Montserrat

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The Black Madonna of Montserrat

The Virolai de Montserrat is a hymn of praise to Our Lady of Montserrat . It was written by Jacint Verdaguer and published on the occasion of the millennium of the monastery on February 20, 1880 in Barcelona . At the same time a competition for the best melody for this text was announced. After evaluating around 60 compositions received, Josep Rodoreda received the first prize, a golden " Flabiol ", on April 25 of the same year . The song is also known under the title Rosa d'Abril based on the beginning of the song . This song begins on April 27, the feast day and name day of the “Mare de Déu de Montserrat”, Our Lady of Montserrat.

The Virolai is sung every day at 1 p.m. by the Escolania de Montserrat in honor of the Black Madonna of Montserrat, affectionately known as La Moreneta ( The Little Brown One ) . It has become an extremely popular anthem throughout Catalonia and the Catalan countries , and was often used alongside El Cant dels Aucells for the forbidden anthem Els Segadors as the Catalan national anthem at major religious, cultural and sporting events, especially during the times of political repression under Franco .


Catalan German

Rosa d'abril, Morena de la serra,
de Montserrat estel,
il·lumineu la catalana terra,
guieu-nos cap al Cel.

Amb serra d'or els angelets serraren
eixos turons per fer-vos un palau;
Reina del Cel que els Serafins baixaren,
deu-nos abric dincs vostre mantell blue.

Alba naixent d'estrelles coronada,
Ciutat de Déu que somnià David,
a vostres peus la lluna s'és posada,
el sol sos raigs vos dóna per vestit.

Dels catalans semper sereu Princesa,
dels espanyols Estrella d'Orient,
sigueu pels bons pilar de fortalesa,
pels pecadors el port de salvament.

Doneu consol a qui la pàtria enyora,
sens veure mai els cims de Montserrat;
en terra i mar oïu a qui us implora,
torneu a Déu els cors que l'han deixat.

Mística Font de l'aigua de la vida,
rageu del Cel al cor de mon país;
dons i virtuts deixeu-li per florida;
fire, si us plau, el vostre paradís.

Ditxosos ulls, Maria, els que us vegin!
ditxós el cor que s'obri a vostra llum!
Roser del Cel, que els serafins voltegen,
a ma oració doneu vostre perfum.

Cedre gentil, del Líbano corona,
Arbre d'encens, Palmera de Sion,
el fruit sagrat que vostre amor ens dóna
és Jesucrist, el Redemptor del món.

Amb vostre nom comença nostra història
i és Montserrat el nostre Sinaí:
sient per tots l'escala de la glòria
eixos penyals coberts de romaní.

Rosa d'abril, Morena de la serra,
de Montserrat estel,
il lumineu la catalana terra,
guieu-nos cap al Cel.

Rose in April, little brown in the mountains,
star of Montserrat,
illuminate the Catalan countryside
and guide us to heaven.

With golden saws the angels cut
a palace for you from these rocks;
Queen of Heaven, led to earth by the Seraphim ,
give us protection under your blue cloak.

Crowned twilight, the city ​​of God dreamed of
by David ,
the moon rests at your feet,
the rays of the sun are your dress.

For the Catalans you will always be a princess,
for the Spaniards the star of the Orient,
for the good guys you are a fortress,
for the sinners the safe haven.

Give consolation to those who miss home
and can no longer see the peaks of Montserrat;
hear the supplicants on land and sea,
turn to God the hearts of those who have forsaken Him.

Mystical source of life,
the heart of my land drenched by heaven
let gifts and virtues blossom
and create your paradise out of them.

Blessed be the eyes that see you!
blessed the heart that opens to your light!
Heavenly rose bush, surrounded by seraphim ,
give your fragrance to my prayer.

Sweet cedar, you crown of Lebanon
Frankincense Tree, Palm Sions
The holy fruit that your love gives us
is Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of the world

Our history begins with your name
and Montserrat is our Sinai ;
For all of us the ladder to glory
is your rosemary-covered rocks.

Rose in April, little brown in the mountains,
star of Montserrat,
illuminate the Catalan countryside
and guide us to heaven.

Web links

Wiktionary: Virolai de Montserrat  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations