Włodzimierz Kotoński

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Włodzimierz Kotoński (1993/94)

Włodzimierz Kotoński (born August 23, 1925 in Warsaw ; † September 4, 2014 there ) was a Polish composer .


Kotoński studied from 1945 to 1951 at the Higher State Music School (today Fryderyk Chopin University of Music ) with Piotr Rytel . He also took private lessons from Tadeusz Szeligowski (1950/1951). In the 1950s he devoted himself to research into Polish folk music on behalf of the National Art Institute. As a result, the book Góralski i zbójnicki appeared in 1956 .

Between 1957 and 1961 Kotoński took part in the Darmstadt summer courses . He dealt with electroacoustic music and has worked regularly with the Experimental Studio of the Polish Radio since 1958. His Etiuda na jedno uderzenie w talerz , composed in 1959, was Poland's first electronic composition. In the following years he worked with many centers for electroacoustic music in Europe: with the Westdeutscher Rundfunk studio in Cologne (1966/1967), the Groupe de Recherches Musicales ORTF in Paris (1970), the experimental studio of the Südwestfunk Baden-Baden Studio in Freiburg (1979), the Stiftelsen Elektroakustik Musik i Sverige in Stockholm (1984) and the Groupe de musique expérimentale de Bourges (1986).

Since 1967 Kotoński has been teaching composition at the State University of Music (today Fryderyk Chopin University of Music), where he also directed the studio for electronic music. His students included u. a. Paweł Szymański , Hanna Kulenty , Stanisław Krupowicz , Tadeusz Wielecki , Edward Sielicki and Jacek Grudzień . As a visiting professor, he taught composition and electronic music at the Royal Academy of Music in Stockholm (1971), the State University of New York in Buffalo (1978), the University of Southern California in Los Angeles (1982), the Rubin Academy of Music in Jerusalem (1990) and in Seoul (1994/1995).

In 1963 he published the book Instrumenty perkusyjne we współczesnej orkiestrze ("Percussion instruments in the modern orchestra", Schott, Mainz 1968), in 1989 the monograph Muzyka elektroniczna and in 1999 the Leksykon współczesnej perkusji (Lexicon of contemporary percussion).


  • Poemat for orchestra, 1949
  • Tance góralskie (“Folk Dances of the Gorals”) for orchestra, 1950
  • Quartettino for four horns, 1950
  • Preludium i passacaglia for orchestra, 1953
  • Sześć miniatur (“Six Miniatures”) for clarinet and piano, 1957
  • Muzyka kameralna (“chamber music”) for 21 percussion instruments, 1958
  • Musique en relief , five miniatures for six orchestral groups, 1959
  • Etiuda na jedno uderzenie w talerz, muzyka konetna (“Etude for a cymbal strike , concrete music”), 1959
  • Trio na flet, gitarę i perkusję ("Trio for flute, guitar and drums"), 1960
  • Concerto per quattro (Version 1) for harp, harpsichord, piano and chamber orchestra, 1960
  • Canto per complesso da camera , 1961
  • Selection I for four jazz musicians, 1962
  • Pezzo per flauto e pianoforte , 1962
  • Musica per fiati e timpani , 1963
  • Microstructure for tape, 1963
  • Monochromia for oboe solo, 1964
  • Kwintet na instrumenty dęte ("Quintet for wind instruments"), 1964
  • Concerto per quattro (Version 2) for harp, harpsichord, guitar, piano and chamber orchestra, 1965
  • A battere for guitar, viola, cello, harpsichord and drums, 1966
  • Pour quatre for clarinet, trombone, cello and piano, 1968
  • Muzyka na 16 talerzy i smyczki ("Music for 16 cymbals and string ensemble"), 1969
  • AELA czyli gra structure aleatorycznych na jednym dźwięku harmonicznym (“AELA or play of aleatory structures on a harmonic sound”), electronic music, 1970
  • Multiplay , instrumental theater for six wind instruments, 1971
  • Concerto per oboe for oboe (d'amore), six wind instruments and orchestra, 1972
  • Promenada I , instrumental theater for four musicians, 1973
  • Promenada II , instrumental theater for three synthesizers, clarinet, trombone and cello, 1973
  • Harfa Eola (“Aeolian harp”) for soprano and four instrumentalists, 1973
  • Musical Games , instrumental theater for wind quintet, 1973
  • Róża wiatrów ( Compass Rose ) for orchestra, 1976
  • Muzyka wiosenna ("Spring Music ") for flute, oboe, violin and synthesizer, 1978
  • Pełnia lata (“Midsummer”) for clarinet, piano, cello and electronic sounds, 1979
  • Bora for orchestra, 1979
  • Sirocco for orchestra, 1980
  • Pieśń jesienna (“Autumn Song ”) for harpsichord and tape, 1981
  • Terra incognita for orchestra, 1984
  • Sceny liryczne (“Lyric Scenes”) for nine instruments, 1986
  • Tlaloc for harpsichord and percussion, 1986
  • Ptaki ("Birds"), eight short pieces for clarinet, cello and piano, 1988
  • Cadenze e aria for guitar, 1988
  • Antiphonae for tape, 1989
  • Bucolica ( Morton Feldman in memoriam) for flute solo, 1989
  • Trzy etiudy rytmiczne (“Three Rhythmic Etudes”) for piano, 1990
  • La gioia for string orchestra, 1991
  • Tierra caliente for tape, 1992
  • Motu proprio for bassoon and piano, 1992
  • Sonant for trombone quartet, 1992
  • 7 Haiku for female voice and five instruments, 1993
  • Koncert na gitarę elektryczną i zespół instrumentalny (“Concerto for electric guitar and an instrumental ensemble”), 1993
  • Podróż zimowa (Winterreise) for flute, oboe, clarinet, harpsichord, violin, cello and tape, 1995
  • Symfonia nr 1 , 1995
  • Mijikayo for Japanese instruments, 1996
  • Speculum vitae for tape and orchestra, 1996
  • Koncert na skrzypce i orkiestrę (“Concerto for Violin and Orchestra”), 1996
  • Trzy pieśni niemieckie do tekstów Josepha von Eichendorffa i Dursa Grünbeina (“Three German Songs”) for baritone and guitar, 1997
  • Trzy pieśni do słów Dursa Grünbeina (Three songs to the text by Durs Grünbein) for baritone and guitar, 1997
  • Northern Lights (“Aurora Borealis”) for amplified harpsichord and tape, 1998
  • Sekstet ("Sextet") for wind quintet and piano, 1998
  • Zmiennestruktury (“Changeable Structures”) for clarinet, trombone, piano and cello, 2000
  • Symfonia nr 2 , 2001
  • Kwartet smyczkowy nr 1 ("String Quartet No. 1"), 2002
  • Wilanowskie pejzaże (Landscapes from Wilanów) for string quartet and flute, 2002
  • Concerto per clarinetto e orchestra , 2002–03
  • Madrygały polskie (“Polish Madrigals”) for soprano and instruments, 2004

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Zmarł Włodzimierz Kotoński. Never żyje znany kompozytor. Na pewno znasz jego muzykę. In: fact24. September 4, 2014 (obituary).

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