Election results in Stuttgart

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This gives an overview of the election results in the state capital Stuttgart at the various state and municipal levels. As a purely administrative level, the Stuttgart administrative district does not have an elected body.

Elections in Stuttgart until 1999

From 1946 to 1999, 59 democratic elections took place in Stuttgart:

European elections since 1979
Bundestag elections since 1949
State elections in Württemberg-Baden 1946 and 1950
Election to the »Constituent State Assembly« for the south-western
state 1952 State elections in Baden-Württemberg since 1956
Elections of the regional assembly of the Stuttgart region since 1994
Local council elections since 1946
Mayoral elections since 1948

Election results in Stuttgart since 1999

State Parliament
Municipal Council
2004 (seats)
Municipal Council
2009 (seats)
State Parliament
CDU 42.5% 42.9% 37.1% 35.1% 35.6% 37.4% 32.9% (21) 32.7% 26.9% 29.1% 24.2% (15) 28.5% 39.0%
SPD 24.5% 27.6% 36.3% 35.7% 24.4% 21.2% 22.8% (14) 32.0% 17.4% 18.0% 17.0% (10) 19.8% 20.4%
FDP 5.5% 6.2% 9.2% 8.5% 5.3% 7.7% 6.5% (4) 12.8% 10.8% 14.5% 10.9% (7) 18.4% 6.1%
Green 14.1% 14.3% 11.5% 16.2% 17.2% 22.1% 18.7% (11) 15.0% 25.4% 25.0% 25.3% (16) 20.1% 24.2%
Free voters 5.6% - - - 8.5% - 9.7% (6) - 9.9% (1.2%) 10.3% (6) - -
The Republicans 3.6% 3.6% 4.7% 1.0% 4.0% 3.3% 3.9% (2) 0.8% 2.3% 2.0% 2.5% (1) 0.8% 0.9%
Left former PDS - - - 1.4% 1.7% 1.9% 1.8% (1) 4.4% 4.9% 4.5% 4.5% (2) 7.8% 3.4%
SÖS - - - - - - 1.7% (1) - - - 4.6% (3) - -
Others 1.5% 5.4% 1.2% 2.1% 3.4% 6.5% 2.0% 2.3% 2.5% 6.7% 0.7% (0) 4.6% 3.1%
voter turnout 59.1% 46.6% 65.5% 81.0% 54.0% 51.9% 48.7% 79.1% 52.3% 52.3% 48.7% 74.3% 73.1%

With regional election to which is Stuttgart region for regional assembly called the Association.

In the 2009 European elections , it was not the free voters of the Baden-Württemberg state association that ran for election, but those of the federal association .

Municipal council elections

A look at the results of the municipal elections in the Stuttgart district reveals some striking developments in the course of the 20th century: the CDU only became a dominant force relatively late; it was not until 1975 that it was able to oust the SPD from first place. The FDP could always provide city councilors, but lost its prominent position in 1953 and experienced further decline in 1971. In addition to the CDU and FDP, in the so-called “bourgeois camp” the group of Free Voters played and continues to play a fairly constant role. Their influence is generally quite high in Württemberg, but more in the medium-sized cities and in the countryside, Free Voters join State and federal elections are not taking place. The Greens have recorded above-average results since they first appeared (in a national comparison), parallel to a further weakness of the SPD.

Municipal council elections in Stuttgart since 1946
Distribution of seats in the Stuttgart municipal council since 1946

Local council election 2009

Majority of votes in the electoral districts in Stuttgart, municipal council election 2009

In the municipal council elections in 2009, the Greens became the strongest parliamentary group for the first time in a city council in a major German city with over 500,000 inhabitants. With the election victory of the Greens, there are new majorities in Stuttgart's municipal council. The camp of CDU, Free Voters and FDP has lost its absolute majority, which would now have a possible alliance of the Greens, SPD, Left Party and SÖS with 31 out of 60 seats. The Republicans get a seat. The main reason for the election victory of the Greens is the rejection of the controversial Stuttgart 21 rail project by parts of the population.

See also

Note on the title Election to the Constituent State Assembly in Baden-Württemberg 1952 :

  • On the date of the election, the merger of the states was a done deal, a state assembly was elected. The new land to be created did not yet have a name ("Southwest State")
  • The state assembly not only drafted the constitution and named the state Baden-Württemberg ; they also determined that they should continue to work as the state parliament until 1956.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Historical election results, special issue of the series "Statistics and Information Management"
  2. ^ Results of the municipal council elections in Stuttgart since 1946 on stuttgart.de
  3. ^ Issue 1/2009 The municipal council election on June 7, 2009 in Stuttgart
  4. ^ Stuttgart 21 pulls CDU and SPD down