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The concept of a web ring

A webring links several websites with the same subject matter with each other through hyperlinks . As a result, the operators of the participating websites hope to attract more visitors to their own pages. In return, a link to another web page of the web ring or a complete list of links with all pages of the web ring is published on each page. The Internet user has the advantage that he can see several thematically related pages at a glance without having to search for them using a search engine or the like. In addition, when the user clicks through all the pages, they end up at the website they started from and do not have to locate it again.


The idea of ​​the web ring comes from Sage Weil (inventor of the storage solution Ceph ), who opened the first web ring in 1994 and wrote a corresponding CGI script for administration. At this time he also registered the domain webring.org . In May 2000, Yahoo took over this website; later there was a spin-off through Yahoo .

Technical implementation

The technical implementation is usually carried out using a central page for the webring, which contains a script that saves all registered websites in a database . Often a pre-prepared service of a provider is used here.

JavaScript scripts that communicate with the script on the main website are usually integrated on the participants' own websites . Alternatively, a server-side script language can also be used on the individual websites .

Web links