Holy water bearer

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The holy water bearer (sometimes incorrectly also Asperferar from Latin aspergere “sprinkle” and ferre “carry”) is an altar boy in the liturgy of the Catholic Church who holds a vessel with holy water ready. He accompanies the priest or deacon while he sprinkles the holy water with the aspergillus .

Holy water carrier are usually at Taufgedächtnis in the Easter night and in the measuring celebration at Candlemas (candles blessing) on Aschermittwoch (Blessing of ash) on Palmsonntag (Blessing of palm branches) and in the administration of many sacraments and Sacramentals needed.


  • Guido Erbrich: What you need to know as an altar boy. St. Benno Verlag, Leipzig 2018, ISBN 978-3-7462-5234-6 .

Individual evidence

  1. Werner Pohl: The altar boy . Herder, 1979. ISBN 3-451-18508-3