Wetzlar courier

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The Wetzlar Kurier is a right-wing conservative and CDU-affiliated advertising paper in the Lahn-Dill district in Central Hesse , which has been in existence since 1982 and is published by Hans-Jürgen Irmer , member of the Bundestag from Wetzlar , who has owned it since 1990. The monthly newspaper with a circulation of 104,500 copies is distributed free of charge to households in the Lahn-Dill district and has an advertising share of over a third.

Irmer sees the Wetzlar courier as a counterweight to the Wetzlarer Neue Zeitung (WNZ), which he accuses of censorship and abuse of monopoly, which it circumvents the political work of the CDU in the Lahn-Dill district. As a result, there are regular reports on the activities of the local CDU in the Wetzlar Kurier . The WNZ rejects these allegations; Compared to other parties, the CDU sends in a large number of press releases that a daily newspaper cannot consider all.


In the past, some statements and demands in the Wetzlar Kurier gained national media interest. The newspaper was accused by Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen of actively stirring up prejudice and playing with resentment. In 2004 the press council was called in two cases. This also included the demand of the Wetzlar Kurier that an indictment of high treason against Germany must be brought against the enlargement commissioner Günter Verheugen ( SPD ) because of his wish to force Turkey's accession to the EU.

Irmer had to resign from his position as deputy chairman of the CDU parliamentary group in Hesse on January 31, 2015 because he was criticized for an advertisement in the Wetzlar Kurier , but remained a member of parliament. He had advertised there for the right-wing extremist association The German Conservatives .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Sebastian Hell: Irmer wieder , Lotta issue 57 from November 1, 2014
  2. Peter Lückemeier: At the highest level of qualification. In: FAZ.net . January 7, 2013, accessed October 13, 2018 .
  3. mr: censorship? Abuse of monopoly? In: welt.de . December 17, 2000, accessed October 7, 2018 .
  4. Astrid Geisler: CDU-Rechtsaußen deprived of power, taz.de, February 2, 2015, accessed on: February 2, 2015.