Wigbold from Holte

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Wigbold von Holte († March 26, 1304 in Soest ) was provost at the Aachen Marienstift from 1294 to 1297 and then Archbishop of Cologne until 1304 . As the son of Wigbold von Holte and the Wolderadis Dreigvörden, he came from an ancient noble family with its headquarters in the Osnabrück area ( Holter Burg ). His brother Wilhelm was bishop in Münster, his sister Beatrix abbess of the Essen monastery . His uncle Ludolf was bishop in Münster, uncle Hermann Abbot in Corvey and Aunt Jutta abbess in Nottuln.

Elected Archbishop of Cologne

After Archbishop Siegfried's death in Bonn on April 7, 1297, the nobility and clergy gathered in Neuss to elect a new Archbishop of Cologne , because Cologne was still under the interdict . King Adolf of Nassau was present at the election. Count Eberhard von der Mark stood up for the election of Wigbold, because a niece of Wigbold, Mechtilde von Aremberg from the Arenberg family, was married to his eldest son Engelbert . When he was elected Archbishop of Cologne by the cathedral chapter in May 1297 , to which he belonged as cathedral dean , he was already considered a senio confracti , an old man. King Adolf valued his diplomatic skills and was therefore also in favor of Wigbold.

In 1298 Wigbold received the pallium from Pope Boniface VIII .

Acting as Archbishop of Cologne

Having been adequately informed in the secular and spiritual sciences, he was primarily concerned with reducing the political damage caused by the defeat of his predecessor in the battle of Worringen against the Count of the Mark. He also had a reputation for loving money more than anything and being a simonist . He died on March 26, 1304 in Soest , where he is also buried.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c Keussen 1897, p. 459.
predecessor Office successor
Siegfried von Westerburg Archbishop of Cologne
Heinrich II of Virneburg