Wilhelm Röpke Institute

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Wilhelm Röpke Institute
Category: Research institute
Legal form of the carrier: registered association
Membership: Jenaer Allianz ,
NOUS - network for order economics and social philosophy
Facility location: Chair for Institutional Economics and Economic Policy
Political Science Faculty of the University of Erfurt
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt
Type of research: Economic policy
Management: Gerhard Wegner
Nils Goldschmidt ;
Stefan Kolev
Homepage: http://www.roepke-institut.org/

The Wilhelm-Röpke-Institut is an economic research institute in the Thuringian state capital Erfurt .


The institute was named after the German economist Wilhelm Röpke . It was founded on May 23, 2007 and goes back to the initiative of the economist Thomas Straubhaar .

The institute is in close cooperation with the Hamburg World Economic Institute , which for this purpose temporarily operated a branch in Erfurt in the beginning. The institute is one of the initiators of the Jena Alliance and is a partner of NOUS - Network for Regulatory Economics and Social Philosophy . In addition to other collaborations with various domestic and foreign research institutions, the institute is connected to the political science faculty of the University of Erfurt . After it was initially located in Erfurt's Gorkistraße, it has now also been transferred to the Faculty of Political Science.

tasks and goals

The task of the institute is to process the legacy of the economist Röpke. In addition to promoting young scientists, this includes two areas of responsibility. On the one hand, according to the statutes, "research in the field of regulatory policy, whereby the intellectual legacy of Wilhelm Röpke is of central importance, is to be carried out on the reform processes in the young federal states and in East Central and Eastern Europe as well as on economic development and the economy in Thuringia" . And to make these “results of research accessible to a wider public through public events, workshops, etc.” .

The second area of ​​responsibility is the research of Röpke's intellectual legacy. This also includes researching the estate.

The institute holds the Wilhelm Röpke lecture once a year as well as seminars and colloquia . In addition, the institute conducts the conferences on the New Economics of Order at Ettersburg Castle as well as other individual conferences . For example, the 2016 international Wilhelm Röpke Congress in Geneva , which the institute organized together with the Graduate Institute Geneva and the Liberal Institute .

Membership structure

The institute has an international field of members. In addition to well-known economists such as the economists Lars Feld , Michel Wohlgemuth , Nils Goldschmidt , Joachim Starbatty and Gerhard Wegner , it also includes prominent business journalists such as Karen Horn , representatives of associations such as Gerald Grusser and scholars from other disciplines. Members include the political scientist Aurelian Craiutu , who teaches in the USA , the Italian philosopher Dario Antiseri , the French Germanist Patricia Commun and the German legal scholar Hermann-Josef Blanke .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Rethink regulatory policy, branch Thuringia of the HWWI in Erfurt on hwwi.org (accessed on September 3, 2017)
  2. Beate Kranz: HWWI opens branch in Erfurt on abendblatt.de (accessed on September 3, 2017)
  3. Initiators on jenaerallianz.de (accessed on September 3, 2017)
  4. http://nous.network/ (accessed on September 3, 2017)
  5. Chronicle of the City of Erfurt, entry February 12, 2007 on erfurt.de (accessed on September 3, 2017)
  6. a b Tasks on roepke-institut.org (accessed on September 3, 2017)
  7. Event overview on roepke-institut.org (accessed on September 3, 2017)
  8. Congress program on libinst.ch (accessed on September 3, 2017)
  9. Wilhelm Röpke in memory of nzz.ch (attached to article below; accessed on September 3, 2017)
  10. Directory of members on roepke-institut.org (accessed on September 3, 2017)