Wilhelm Gehring

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Wilhelm Gerhard Gehring (born January 14, 1901 in Osnabrück , † January 24, 1948 in Krakow ) was a German SS-Hauptscharführer in the Auschwitz concentration camp .


Gehring was a locksmith by trade. After the handover of power to the National Socialists, he joined the NSDAP in 1933 and the SS in 1934 . He was a member of the camp SS of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp from 1936 to the end of 1941 and was temporarily employed in the Sachsenhausen external command in Wewelsburg from 1939 to 1941 .

In January 1942 he was transferred to the Auschwitz concentration camp , where he initially worked for the headquarters staff. From the end of March 1942 he was a supervisor in Block 11 , the main camp of Auschwitz , where the camp prison was located. He was one of the SS men who shot prisoners on the Black Wall . From 1944 he was block leader in the Monowitz concentration camp . On July 18, 1944, he replaced Josef Remmele as camp leader of the Eintrachthütte concentration camp, a satellite camp of the Auschwitz concentration camp, and remained in this position until the evacuation of the Auschwitz concentration camp in January 1945.

After the end of World War II Gehring was in Auschwitz Trial before the Supreme National Tribunal of Poland on 22 December 1947 to death by the strand convicted. According to the verdict, some of the inmates were mistreated so severely that “their victims sometimes even had to be taken directly to the morgue”. He was executed in January 1948 .


  • Ernst Klee : Auschwitz. Perpetrators, accomplices, victims and what became of them. A dictionary of persons . S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 2013, ISBN 978-3-10-039333-3 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ernst Klee: Auschwitz. Perpetrators, accomplices and victims and what became of them. A dictionary of persons , Frankfurt am Main 2013, p. 138
  2. ^ Ernst Klee: Auschwitz. Perpetrators, accomplices and victims and what became of them. A dictionary of persons , Frankfurt am Main 2013, p. 138