Wilhelm Hartnacke

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Wilhelm Hartnacke (born November 7, 1878 in Altena in the Sauerland ; † September 13, 1952 in Schwefe near Soest) was a German educator and from 1933 to 1935 Minister of Public Education of Saxony .


The son of a post office clerk studied modern languages ​​in Halle and Berlin and received his doctorate in 1901. He then worked as a teacher in Bremen, and from 1910 as a school inspector. In 1919 he became city school councilor in Dresden. As a city school council, he led sharp arguments with the radicalizing teachers' association movement. He turned against the unified school early on and advocated the retention of the higher education system and the structured school system. He tried to substantiate his views on the question of the gifted by genetic and statistical studies.

From March 1933 to 1935 Hartnacke was Minister of Culture of Saxony. As minister of state he tried to put his educational policy ideas into practice. He enforced a particularly rigorous numerus clausus in Saxony , which surpassed all similar Nazi measures in the Reich in severity, and introduced restrictions on access to the upper level of secondary school.

When Ernst Krieck in particular publicly accused him of being "arch reactionary" and a "mockery of the National Socialist national community " because it amounts to defending the monopoly of the bourgeoisie and keeping the working class children away from higher education, Hartnacke was able to get away with it Apparently claiming the matter and was eventually fired. In the dispute, Hartnacke represented a concept of race that was widespread in the natural sciences of the time, while Krieck argued exclusively ideologically.

Originally a member of the DNVP , Hartnacke joined the NSDAP in 1933, but his party membership was declared invalid after his dismissal. During his tenure as minister he forbade his son to join the NSDAP. Hartnacke was co-editor of the magazine Volk und Rasse until 1935 .

In connection with the Röhmputsch and the disempowerment of Manfred von Killinger as Prime Minister of Saxony, Hartnacke was given leave of absence from his ministerial office in 1934 and dismissed in 1935.

Hartnacke then worked as a teacher at the Kreuzgymnasium , and during the war he was a war administrator . At the end of the war, he fled west. He continued his genetic research as a private person.


  • Class school - performance school ; in: Die Erziehungs 3 (1928), Heft 8, pp 415-432 and 480-498. Reprint: Leipzig: Quelle & Meyer, 1929
  • Natural boundaries of intellectual education. Inflation of education - dwindling leadership - rule of the judgmentless ; Leipzig: Quelle & Meyer, 1930.
  • Spirit and folly on prime benches. Report on the Saxon measures to limit university access ; with Erich Wohlfahrt; Radebeul, Dresden: Kupky & Dietze, 4 1934.
  • Quantitative ratio of gifted and untalented ; in: Hans Harmsen, Franz Lohse (ed.): Population issues ; Munich 1936, pp. 547-554.
  • Do the majority of the gifted come from the people or from the elite? In: Volk und Rasse 12, H. 3 (1937), pp. 107–111.
  • The self-extermination of the gifted tribes ; in: Volk und Rasse 13, H. 10 (1938), pp. 337-351.


  • Herbert Schönebaum:  Hartnacke, Wilhelm. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 8, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1969, ISBN 3-428-00189-3 , p. 7 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Gisela Hoppe: The Dresden city administration during the Weimar Republic 1919 to 1933 . In: Dresdner Geschichtsbuch 8, Altenburg 2002, pp. 163–180.
  • Peter Drewek: Theory of talent, research on talent and the educational system in Germany 1890-1918 . In: Jeismann, Karl-Ernst (Ed.): Education, State, Society in the 19th Century. Mobilization and discipline ; Nassauer Talks 2; Stuttgart 1989, pp. 387-412.
  • Andreas Wagner: "Seizure of power" in Saxony. NSDAP and state administration . Cologne: Bölau, 2004. ISBN 3-412-14404-5 (Series: History and Politics in Saxony , Vol. 22).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Wilhelm Hartnacke, Erich Wohlfahrt: Spirit and folly on Priman benches. Report on the Saxon measures to limit university access. 4th edition, Radebeul 1934