Vladimir Afanassjewitsch Lyachow

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Vladimir Lyakhov
Vladimir Lyakhov
Country: USSR
selected on May 7, 1967
Calls: 3 space flights
Start of the
first space flight:
February 25, 1979
Landing of the
last space flight:
September 7, 1988
Time in space: 333d 7h 47min
EVA inserts: 3
EVA total duration: 7h 7min
retired on September 1994
Space flights

Vladimir Lyakhov ( Russian Владимир Афанасьевич Ляхов , scientific transliteration Vladimir Afanas'evič Ljachov ; Ukrainian Володимир Панасович Ляхов , scientific transliteration Volodymyr Panasovyč Ljachov * 20th July 1941 in Antratsyt , Ukrainian SSR ; † 19th April 2018 in Astrakhan ) was a Soviet Cosmonaut .

life and career

Lyachow completed his training at the Higher Military Aviation School in Kharkov in 1964 . On May 7, 1967, he was selected as a cosmonaut. He completed three space flights and was in command of the Soyuz 32 / Soyuz 34 missions in 1979, Soyuz T-9 in 1983 and Soyuz TM-6 in 1988. On his first space flight, he set a new long-term record of 175 days in space. In total, he was in space for 333 days, seven hours and 47 minutes. On September 7, 1994, he retired.

Lyakhov was married and had two children.

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