Wolfgang Ulimann

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Wolfgang Ulimann also Uliman, Ullmann and Uolimann; actually Wolfgang Schorant (* around 1500 in St. Gallen ; † 1530 in Waldsee ; executed) was a Swiss Anabaptist preacher .


Wolfgang Ullmann was of the founders of the Anabaptist movement Conrad Grebel (1498-1526) in the Rhine at Schaffhausen baptized been and worked as a Baptist preacher in St. Gallen. His father was the guild master Andreas Ulimann. Until around 1523/24 he was a monk with Jörg Blaurock in the St. Lucius Monastery in Chur . When the Reformation broke out, he began to publicly interpret the Bible together with Johannes Kessler in St. Gallen . In 1525 he was baptized by Konrad Grebel in the Rhine not far from Schaffhausen. Together with Lorenz Hochrütiner he now vehemently advocated the cause of the baptismal. As a result, Ulimann was arrested several times and banished from the city. Later he went to Moravia . When he wanted to save his fellow believers in St. Gallen from there, he was arrested with ten like-minded people in Waldsee and executed in 1530.


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Individual evidence

  1. The information about the year of death vary. 1528 is given in various sources. In the historiography of Waldsee the execution is fixed at 1530. Cf. JDG Memminger: Description of the Oberamt Waldsee , 1884. P. 76.