Yehuda Lerner

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Yehuda Lerner (* 22. July 1926 in Warsaw ) was active age of 17 on October 14, 1943 at the rebellion of Sobibor in the extermination camp Sobibor involved. With him, the film Sobibor, 14 octobre 1943, 16 hours by Claude Lanzmann was shot. He lives in Israel and has become a symbol of Jewish resistance and the will to survive.

In forced labor camps

In the summer of 1942 Lerner was caught in a raid and taken to a forced labor camp near Smolensk , where he worked for three months building an airport for the Todt organization . Lerner fled a total of eight camps. According to him, everything is better than staying in such a camp. Death was omnipresent. While on the run, he was picked up again and again and taken to a new camp. He spent a long time in a prisoner-of-war camp in Minsk , Belarus. Most recently he was in Warsaw at Umschlagplatz , where he was able to join the Jewish group of Red Army soldiers under the leadership of Alexander Petscherski . During a transport via Lublin , in Chełm , people shouted to him: "People, save yourselves, run away, you will be taken to Sobibór to kill." In Sobibór they were asked to clear a forest for the construction of the planned concentration camp , Camp IV , for the evaluation of prey ammunition, selected as forced labor.

In Sobibór

Yehuda Lerner, at the age of 17, killed the SS man Siegfried Graetschus with an ax during the Sobibór uprising . He reported that the camp SS kept geese and scared them up whenever Jews were murdered in order to drown out their screams with the chatter of the geese.


  • Richard Rashke: Escape from Sobibor . 1st edition, Bleicher Verlag, Gerlingen 1998, ISBN 3-88350-740-7 . ( Fiction ; German translation; English original title: Escape from Sobibor )
  • Thomas Toivi Blatt : Only the shadows remain: the uprising in the Sobibór extermination camp . 1st edition, Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin 2000, ISBN 3-351-02504-1 .
  • Jules Schelvis : Sobibór extermination camp . Unrast Verlag, Münster u. a. 2003, series of publications: rat - series of anti-fascist texts, ISBN 3-89771-814-6 .

Footnotes and individual references

  1. ^ Yehuda Lerner in Sobibor, October 14, 1943, 16 hours
  2. see literature: Jules Schelvis: Destruction Camp Sobibór , page 279, short biography of Yehuda Lerner.

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