Zairian mass rite

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The Zairian mass rite (French rite zaïrois , officially: Roman mass rite for the dioceses of Zaire ) is the name given to the way in which the Roman Catholic mass is celebrated in Central Africa . This is a variant of the Roman rite .

Introduction and continuation

After the Second Vatican Council , Roman Catholic Christians in Africa opened up new opportunities. Not only could they celebrate Holy Mass in their colonial or national language instead of Latin , but there was also the opportunity to integrate local elements. In particular, the bishops of the Church in Zaire (now Democratic Republic of Congo ), probably under the influence of Mobutu rule ' Zairisierung of society, were active in this respect.

In 1988 this led to the official promulgation of the Roman Mass Rite for the dioceses of Zaire, or Zairian Mass Rite for short, by Pope John Paul II. The aspect is taken into account that no culture remains, but changes, including the culture of how faith is lived . What expands and changes becomes a learning principle. This can be seen in the vote of a Congolese bishop who in 2005 demanded that the Zairean Mass rite be improved: “Today, almost twenty years later, you can feel the need to evaluate practice all over Africa, starting with the Church of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in order to improve the way the rite is performed, as it really should be, and to avoid lighter or more or less worrying deviations which have already been noticed here and there. " This will be a theme for the next African Synod . Important issues should be discussed, such as inculturation of worship and liturgy in Africa in the current general context of "globalization" and the mission of the Church.


According to James C. Okoye , CSSP , the missal for Zaire is considered one of the best examples of liturgy in the African context. It clearly illustrates an important handicap within the Catholic tradition : the sometimes unwelcome control from above. What was presented from the original ideas and efforts in December 1973 carried over some elements of the Roman rite before it was officially recognized fifteen years later. Even then it was the result of many years of efforts: the Congolese bishops had already started in 1961 to think about new forms of liturgy that were more appropriate for Africa, which clearly led them to assume a pioneering role. The Ndzon Melen rite practiced in Yaoundé goes even further and is based on the cultural model of African deliberation (“ palaver ”): shared word and shared meal, invited by those who have a problem. The Zairean and the Ndzon Melen rites are examples of dynamic liturgical thought in sub-Saharan Africa. Some theologians go so far as to use local food for the Lord's Supper , which fits seamlessly into the endeavors of art in which the biblical figures are black Africans.

Course of the fair

A comparison with the Roman rite shows that the basic structure is the same; There are clear differences in the design and execution of the individual elements.


  1. Entry of the editor
  2. Greeting the believers and inviting them to pray
  3. Entry procession of the clergy
  4. Blessing of the altar
  5. Greeting the believers
  6. Introduction to the liturgy
  7. Invocation of the saints and the ancestors
  8. Song of Praise (Gloria)
  9. Opening prayer

Word worship

  1. First reading
  2. Response psalm
  3. Second reading
  4. Gospel
  5. sermon
  6. Creed ( creed )
  7. Forgiveness Rite
  8. Peace greeting
  9. Prayer of the Believers


  1. Procession to prepare gifts
  2. Eucharistic prayer
  3. Our Father
  4. Communion and thanksgiving
  5. Prayer after communion


  1. blessing
  2. Broadcast
  3. Procession

The Zairian mass rite has a further expanded opening rite. The role of the lecturer is more extensive and ties in with that of the crier in village life. Another difference is the invocation of the saints and the ancestors in the opening part. The ancestral invocation is an entirely new element. In addition, the forgiveness of guilt and the greeting of peace have a different place compared to the Roman rite . In the Roman rite , the confession of guilt and the request for forgiveness have their place in the opening part before or in form C after the Kyrie, plus the peace greeting after the Lord's Prayer as preparation for communion. In the Zairian rite , both rites conclude the literal service together.

Further differences lie in the type of execution. Cantors and lecturers ask the priest to speak and only take it with his permission and blessing. The preparation of the gifts is carried out as a procession sung and danced. Dance and singing are also important elements of the Zairean rite , as are traditional behaviors, such as the “asking for the word” described above.


  1. Catholicity as a learning principle 1
  2. Monsignor Tharcisse TSHIBANGU TSHISHIKU, Bishop of Mbujimayi at the XI. Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in Rome, 2. – 23. October 2005.
  3. see as an example from Cameroon: Jésus in black african countries
  4. The Rite Zairois , S. 243rd
