Zanobi da Strada

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Zanobi da Strada (* 1312 near Florence , † 1361 in Avignon ) was an Italian poet and humanist.

He had founded a literary society with Giovanni Boccaccio and other Florentine scholars.

From 1335 he was university professor of Latin grammar in Florence. He was also a political secretary to the King of Naples. At the end of 1349 he was in the service of Niccolò Acciaiuoli from the Acciaiuoli family . In 1350 he became a friend of Francesco Petrarch on his trip to Florence. In 1355 he was crowned with the poet's crown by Emperor Charles IV in Pisa . 1358/59 he was the first Tuscan humanist, who under Innocent VI. was employed permanently at the papal chancellery as apostolic protonotary . Urban V. later called Francesco Bruni from Florence to the papal secretary in Avignon.