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Standard knot for the simple cingulum to the alb

The Zingulum or cingulate (of lat. Cingulum "belt", pl. Zingula ) is the belt with which the Albe that is pursed the Catholic Cleric wear as liturgical undergarment during service. Religious also wear a cingulum around their habit and clerics around their cassock . The cingulum is derived from the Roman cingulum .


The cingulum for girding the alb during worship is made of linen or hemp, and in the past also occasionally made of silk or wool; it can be designed in the manner of a cord, as a woven or sewn ribbon of fabric and is usually white, but can also match the liturgical color of the other vestments . Often there were fringes or tassels on the ends . The cingulate of the religious can be connected to the scapular with a simple rope or a leather belt or as a fabric ribbon . In the cassock of the clergy, it is a broad band of fine material in the dignity of colors. A priest wears a black, a bishop a purple, a cardinal a scarlet and the Pope a white cingulum.


For the interpretation of the zingulum in the liturgy , reference was made to the biblical symbolism of girding oneself: the girdle is a force coming from God, cf. Ps 18.33  EU : "God girded me with strength, he led me on a path without obstacles." The girdle also expresses readiness, see Ex 12.11  EU : "But this is how you should eat it: your hips girded, Shoes on your feet, staff in hand. Eat it hastily! It is the Passover celebration for the Lord ", Eph 6,14  EU :" Gird yourselves with truth "and Lk 12,35-36  EU :" Do not take off your belt and let your lamps burn! Be like people who are waiting for the return of their Lord who is at a wedding and who open to him as soon as he comes and knocks ”. The Zingulum can mean humility towards the billowing robe (cf.. Seckauer Missal , 12th century.), Or as it is the alb as a symbol of baptism holds together, a request for preservation of baptismal grace express. In the Middle Ages there was also a request for control of the instincts, for example in the Sacramentary of Tours, 9/10. Century.

Dress up prayer

While putting on the zingulum, the cleric says the following dressing prayer :

Præcínge me, Dòmine, cingulo puritátis et exstíngue in lumbis meis humórem libídinis: ut maneat in me virtus continéntiæ et castitátis. "

"Gird me, Lord, with the belt of purity and quench the (moisture of) desire in my loins, so that the virtue of restraint and chastity may remain in me."



  • Joseph Braun : The Liturgical Paraments in the Present and Past. A manual of paramentics. 2nd, improved edition. Herder, Freiburg (Breisgau) 1924 (Reprographischer Reprint. Verlag Nova and Vetera, Bonn 2005, ISBN 3-936741-07-7 ), pp. 81-85.

Individual evidence

  1. Mönchtum, Orden, Klöster, Georg Schwaiger (Ed.), P. 146, Verlag CH Beck, 2001
  2. Joseph Braun: The Liturgical Paraments in the present and past. 2nd, improved edition. Freiburg (Breisgau) 1924, p. 81ff.
  3. Instruction Ut sive sollicite in Documents for the Renewal of the Liturgy , Vol. 1, Heinrich Rennings and Martin Klöckener (Eds.), Butzon & Bercker, 1335, pp. 639 ff.
  4. ^ Josef Andreas Jungmann : Missarum Sollemnia. A genetic explanation of the Roman mass. Volume 1: Mass through the centuries, mass and ecclesiastical community, preliminary mass. 3rd, improved edition. Herder, Freiburg (Breisgau) et al. 1952, p. 368 f.