About dialectical and historical materialism

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Josef Stalin's work “ On Dialectical and Historical Materialism ” was one of the most important components of Soviet ideology. It first appeared in 1938 as part of the 4th chapter of the " History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks), short course ".

Outline of the script

Stalin's writing is divided into three parts and presented in a very systematic way:

A: Basics of the Marxist dialectical method as opposed to metaphysics

  1. Nature is a unified whole
  2. Nature is incessant movement
  3. The development process of nature takes place in the transition from quantity to quality
  4. Natural phenomena have internal contradictions that are in a "struggle" with one another and cannot develop in a reformist way, but only in a revolutionary way

B: Basics of Marxist philosophical materialism as opposed to idealism

  1. The world is materialistic in nature
  2. Being is objective reality, thinking is the reflection of matter, ideas have an effect on being.
  3. The knowledge of natural laws is tested through practice, the laws of development of society are objective truth, analogous to biology; Socialism is science

C: The historical materialism

  1. What shapes "in the last instance" [Engels] society? The mode of production of material goods and not the geographical environment or the growth of the population.
  2. The “real” party of the proletariat controls the laws of development of production
  3. A schematic picture of the story:
a. Original community / original communism
b. slavery
c. feudalism
d. capitalism
e. Socialism (there evolution instead of revolution)
