ABC list

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The ABC list (also known as the ABC method or ABC brainwriting method) is a creativity technique with which new ideas can be freely associated using the letters of the alphabet.
It can be used as an intuitive method of generating ideas.

Procedure and use

The listing of all letters of the alphabet on a piece of paper, for example, offers a fixed structure that can be used to guide the generation of ideas without limiting it. For each letter, ideas should be noted that match a question or a generic term that begin with this letter.

The individual letters are listed one below the other, leaving enough space for ideas on the right. Letters like I / J, P / O and X / Y / Z can be combined in one line if necessary.

Any number of ideas can be noted after each letter in the application, but spaces are also allowed. You do not have to proceed in the order of the alphabet when editing, jumping between letters is permitted.

When using it, care should be taken that the writing flow is not interrupted if possible. A time frame of around 10 minutes can be set.

After the collection of ideas has been completed, the ideas are highlighted that best fit the previously formulated question or the generic term.

ABC lists can be used both alone and in groups.


  • Easy, quick and inexpensive brainstorming
  • Writing down ideas in groups also activates more reserved people


  • Other stimulating processes of brainstorming (e.g. brainstorming ) cannot be used

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