ADR certification

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ADR certificate (issued in Austria)

The ADR training certificate (also known as a dangerous goods driving license ) is a permit to transport dangerous goods by road.


It can be acquired from selected training providers by attending a course. By participating in a basic course (3 days) and a subsequent examination, a certificate with a five-year validity will be issued upon passing . The exam comprises 30 questions, a maximum of 5 questions can be answered incorrectly. To extend the certificate, you have to attend a training course (one and a half days) within the last year of validity and pass the subsequent examination. In Germany, these tests are carried out by the responsible German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) .

In Austria, it is certified bodies such as the institute for economic development or the institute for professional development that take care of both training and examinations. For grade seven this is also carried out in the radiation protection academy at AIT in Seibersdorf.

In Switzerland, several organizations in the transport sector offer training courses on the transport of dangerous goods by road. The Association of Road Traffic Authorities is responsible for supervising courses and examinations and issuing ADR training certificates on behalf of the federal government and the cantons .

Dangerous goods classes

The dangerous goods classes 1–9 are not all part of the ADR training certificate. Only general and bulk goods of classes 2 to 6 as well as 8 and 9 may be transported. For tank transports as well as for class 1 goods (explosive) and class 7 goods (radioactive), an advanced course must be attended after the basic course.

  • Class 1: explosive substances and objects
  • Class 2: gases
  • Class 3: Flammable liquids
  • Class 4: flammable solid substances (4.1) / self-heating substances (4.2) / substances that form dangerous gases in connection with water (4.3)
  • Class 5: inflammatory, oxidizing substances (5.1) / organic peroxides (5.2)
  • Class 6: toxic substances (6.1) / infectious substances (6.2)
  • Class 7: radioactive substances
  • Class 8: Corrosive substances
  • Class 9: Various dangerous substances and objects that do not fit into any of the previous classes

ADR training certificate in Germany

On January 1, 2013, the previous paper driving licenses were replaced by check cards ( ADR cards ), as stipulated by the international regulations by changing Chapter 8.2 ADR.


  • Klaus Ridder: The dangerous goods driver , ecomed Sicherheit, 23rd edition 2013, ISBN 978-3609687599
  • Dr. Thomczyk: Dangerous goods driver training - basic course , Dr. Thomczyk Chemie-Sicherheit-Management GmbH management consultancy and specialist publisher, Freiburg 2005, ISBN 3-933089-46-8

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ADR card successfully introduced. IHK Schleswig-Holstein, accessed on July 17, 2017 .