Tripped (book)
Departed is an experience report by Claudia Metz and Klaus Schubert and published in 1999 in paperback at Kiepenheuer & Witsch .
The two authors started their motorcycles in 1981 and drove around the world for the following 16 years. The report shows the various countries from the perspective of a foreigner who travels to them and organizes his daily life and his onward journey there with simple means. In particular, it describes how the police and the population react to their - sometimes illegal - journey. This is often in stark contrast to official propaganda .
The book is an important contemporary document because it describes the current state of the different social systems and their religions worldwide between 1981 and 1996 from our own experience.
- Claudia Metz, Klaus Schubert: Crazy. Around the world in 16 years. Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Cologne 1999, ISBN 3-462-02790-5 ; as a paperback, ibid. 2001, ISBN 3-462-03007-8 .