Crash of an F-84G in Ruppichteroth in 1955

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On September 23, 1955, a Republic F-84 G fighter plane crashed in Ruppichteroth-Ahe .

The fighter with the service serial no. "FZ 139" of the 2nd Fighter Squadron, 2nd Squadron of the Belgian Armed Forces took off from Florennes to fly a mock attack on a British-Belgian military exercise in Ruppichteroth. In Ruppichteroth-Ahe, the aircraft with the pilot Jacques Jouvenaux hit a truck of the 4th Belgian Transport Battalion from Cologne-Ehrenfeld . It flew too low and collided with a power pole.

The F-84G exploded in the middle of the village of Ahe, killing the pilot. Four houses were completely destroyed, four others partially, with one resident slightly injured.


  • Karl Schröder: The civil parish Ruppichteroth 1801-2006, parish Ruppichteroth 2006, ISBN 3-87710-329-4

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