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As descent of part of is diving referred to in which the divers from the floating position passes under the water surface.

Movement sequence

The process of submerging generally requires the same sequence of movements for all forms of diving, with which the diver can move from the horizontal starting position on the water through the water surface. To do this, the body with the stomach pointing down is bent at the hips so that the upper body with the arms and head can get under the water. The arms are stretched out and the legs are raised, thereby the body glides vertically into the water. With a powerful swimming movement of the arms, the body can now be pushed down with little effort.


  • Keyword “diving down”. In: Pocket dictionary of water sports. Humboldt Taschenbuchverlag Jacobi KG, Munich 1977; Pp. 8-9. ISBN 3-581-66304-X