Achor Smith Syndrome

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Classification according to ICD-10
E87.6 Hypokalemia
potassium deficiency
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

The Achor Smith syndrome describes a potassium deficiency with muscular dystrophy, pellagra and anemia as a result of chronic malnutrition .

The syndrome is named after its 1955 descriptions, US internists Richard William Paul Achor and Lucian A. Smith .

Malnutrition syndrome is synonymous with potassium deficiency


Long-term malnutrition with a potassium deficiency can lead to pernicious anemia with severe diarrhea, muscular dystrophy and renal insufficiency.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapy are described in the main article on potassium deficiency .


  • B. Steen: Hypokalemia - clinical spectrum and etiology. In: Acta medica Scandinavica. Supplement. Volume 647, 1981, pp. 61-66, ISSN  0365-463X . PMID 7020349 . (Review).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Medical lexicon
  2. RW ACHOR, LA SMITH: Nutritional deficiency syndrome with diarrhea resulting in hypopotassemia, muscle degeneration and renal insufficiency report of case with recovery. In: Proceedings of the staff meetings. Mayo Clinic. Volume 30, Number 10, May 1955, pp. 207-214, ISSN  0092-699X . PMID 14371758 .
  3. Who named it
  4. Who named it Achor-Smith Syndrome