
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Adiatunnus (also Adietuanus , Adiatonnus , Adcatuannus and Adsatuannus ) was a Celtic military leader and king.

Adiatunnus was the commander of the Celtic tribe of the Sotiates in Aquitaine . In 56 BC He defended the oppidum of the tribe, Sot (t) ium , against the Romans under Publius Licinius Crassus . After an attempt to break out with 600 soldiers (soldurii) had failed, he had to surrender to the Romans. After the defeat, Adiatunnus apparently remained in office or was installed as king by the Senate. Silver and bronze coins are known from the time of Gaius Iulius Caesar , on which he is referred to as REX ADIETUANUS and REX SOTIOTA .

Adiatunnus is a name compound from ad-ia (n) tu- - "zealously (after the rule) striving".
