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Ahone (German: Big Hare) was the main god of the Powhatan Indians and related Algonquin tribes originally resident in the US state of Virginia . In their creation myth, Ahone created land, animals and people.

After Ahone had created human beings, he found it too dangerous to expose them to the world and initially placed them in his rabbit den to protect them. There he defended them against malevolent spirits and especially against the gods of the four winds. The latter had originally supported Ahone in his act of creation, but later became jealous of Ahone's creation and wanted to destroy it. Only after he had averted all these dangers, and had also provided enough food in the form of huntable game and fish in nature, he released people into the world. He continued to be a withdrawn god who did not interfere in human affairs.


James D. Rice: Nature & History in the Potomac Country. The Johns Hopkins University Press , 2009, ISBN 0-8018-9032-2