Alphonsus Bonihominis

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Alphonsus Bonihominis Hispanus (also: Alfonso or Alonso Buenhombre; * year of birth unknown in Spain, † around 1353 in Morocco) was a Dominican monk and bishop of Marrakech .

He is known as a translator of Arabic texts into Latin, e.g. B. an apocryphal story of Joseph (around 1336) and a legend of Antonius (around 1342). During his stays in North Africa he was repeatedly taken prisoner by the Islamic rulers.


  • de adventu Messiae (1339) ex Arabico transtulisse traditur librum conversi ad Christum Magistri Samuelis Israelitae ... in: Fabricius, Johann Albert: Bibliotheca Latina mediae et infimae aetatis (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Munich)
  • Legenda sancti Antoni abbatis Thebaidis (around 1340/42)

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