Institutional relationship

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The institutional relationship is a legal relationship between a natural person and an institution under public law . An institutional relationship arises by virtue of the law or through actual use of the institution by the user. In the institutional relationship there are special duties of care , care and supervision .

In addition to the house rules of the respective establishment, statutes or ordinances can regulate the legal relationships in the establishment.

The following institutional relationships are recognized by case law:

The prison management leads the Institute violence from in each institution. The establishment management is bound by law and statute according to Art. 20 GG . The user has the right to review arrangements.


  • Klaus Schippmann , Legal Protection in Institutional Relationships, 1954
  • Siegfried Lang, The School Relationship as Institutional Relationship, 1969

Individual evidence

  1. z. B. Schools: HessVGH, judgment of June 17, 1999, Az. 7 UE 299/99, guiding principle .
  2. z. B. Mental facility: OLG Hamm, decision of October 7, 2014, Az. 1 Vollz (Ws) 404/14, full text .
  3. z. B. Prison: BGH, decision of the 5th Criminal Senate of October 11, 2005, Az. 5 ARs (VollZ) 54/05, full text .