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Aquaphobia ( Latin : aqua : "water" and Greek : φόβος: phobos : "fear") or hydrophobia (Greek: ὕδωρ: hydor : "water") is an anxiety disorder that manifests itself as a fear of water .

Since the term hydrophobia is used in several meanings, including a swallowing disorder that occurs in the late stages of rabies disease , the term aquaphobia is preferred.

This can vary in strength and be limited to a fear of deep water. The swimming is impossible, although this was once learned. In even more severe cases, the bathtub or shower at home cannot be used to wash, which affects the quality of life.

Aquaphobia is one of the most common specific (isolated) phobias . In a study on the prevalence of anxiety disorders in Iceland , the Icelandic ethnologists Lindal and Stefansson found that isolated phobias existed with a prevalence of 8.8 percent, of which aquaphobia was the eighth most common subgroup with 20 percent (multiple answers were possible) and therefore good Affected 1.8 percent of the Icelandic population studied.

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  • E. Líndal, J. G. Stefánsson: The lifetime prevalence of anxiety disorders in Iceland as estimated by the US National Institute of Mental Health Diagnostic Interview Schedule . In: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavia . tape 88 , no. 1 , 1993, p. 29-34 , PMID 8372693 (English).