Artas Foundation

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Artas Foundation


Legal form: Foundation, endowment
Purpose: Initiation of art projects in conflict regions
Chair: Heidi Tagliavini
Managing directors: Dagmar Reichert
Consist: 2011
Seat: Zurich

no founder specified

The Artas Foundation is a Swiss foundation for art in conflict regions based in Zurich . It was founded in 2011, financed by private donations. The Artas Foundation initiates its own art projects and accompanies them in their implementation. In addition, it is building a competence center for the research and discussion of art in the context of conflict mediation, peacebuilding and international cooperation. Together with the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), she organizes the postgraduate study program “Arts and International Cooperation” (CAS).

The Artas Foundation is recognized in Switzerland as a non-profit foundation and is subject to the federal supervision of foundations.


  • To set up a competence center for art in the context of conflict mediation and peacebuilding in Switzerland.
  • To initiate art projects on site after wars or violent conflicts in reconstruction or democratization processes.
  • To support diplomatic conflict mediation processes and peace-building mediations by independent state or supranational institutions through specific artistic interventions.
  • To conduct research in order to analyze previous artistic work that took place in the context of conflict mediation and peacebuilding and to accompany new art projects in a reflective manner.
  • To network individual artistic initiatives in connection with conflict mediation and peacebuilding and to stimulate international exchange of experiences


Artas Foundation is an operational foundation that is financed by donations and donations and initiates its own projects (it is not a charitable foundation and does not process non-invited applications for support). The foundation is active in three areas:

Art in reconstruction

Artas Foundation initiates and organizes art projects in regions affected by violent conflicts, e.g. B. Concerts, dance or theater performances, exhibitions or film days in cities, villages or refugee camps. Based on detailed research, they are carried out in close cooperation with local artists and the peacebuilding organizations that are active in the conflict region. They happen with a view to sustainable empowerment of local artists.

We do not count trauma treatment through specific, medical art therapy, as well as the long-term operation of cultural centers to the scope of the foundation.

Art in mediation processes

Artas Foundation explores ways of accompanying and supporting diplomatic mediation processes through artistic expertise. In the context of international or state peace policy initiatives or mediations, she coordinates with the mediators or mediation teams. The art contributions are aimed at the negotiating delegations of the conflicting parties, important opinion leaders or the general public and are tailored to the respective phase of the negotiation process.

Research and networking

Artas Foundation accompanies the projects initiated by the foundation through reflection and researches and prepares studies on artistic initiatives that have taken place elsewhere in the context of conflict mediation and peacebuilding. The aim is to make existing experiences accessible and to bring interested groups together.


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