Osteoarthritis (disambiguation)

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Osteoarthritis stands for:

  • Arthrosis , according to a non-official definition in Germany, joint wear that exceeds the normal age
  • Osteoarthritis (horse) , just like osteoarthritis in humans, a degenerative joint disease, pathological wear and tear of the joints, is considered incurable according to conventional medical opinion, the pain that occurs is primarily treated, and attempts can be made to slow the progression of the disease or stop
  • Hip joint arthrosis , a degenerative disease of the hip joint, especially in old age, which is based on wear and tear of the cartilage surface of the acetabulum and femoral head, and the most common form of osteoarthritis in humans
  • Knee joint osteoarthritis or gonarthrosis , premature wear and tear of the cartilaginous articular surfaces of the knee joint
  • Rhizarthrosis or saddle arthrosis, arthrosis of a saddle joint such as the root joint of the thumb, between the first metacarpal bone and the large polygonal bone, due to the saddle-shaped joint surfaces, it can be moved in two axes