Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky

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Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky (AMO - Association for International Affairs) is a Czech non-governmental organization in the field of education and research in international politics with its headquarters in Prague .

History, organization and tasks of the AMO

AMO was founded in Prague in 1995. Through her projects she supports the interest of the Czech citizens in international events and offers information for forming opinions in the field of current international issues. Their work is based on two foundations: education and research. The Prague editorial office of will be covered by the AMO.

Research groups and priorities

The main educational program is the Prague Students Summit: UNO simulation (since 1995), NATO simulation and EU simulation. The second pillar has been the research center since 2003, which has several research groups. The subject areas include European Integration, European Neighborhood Policy, America, Russia, the Middle East and Energy Security. There are also other project groups or projects. The research center's analysts publish regularly in the Czech and foreign media. Analyzes and studies are published, which also contain recommendations for specific decisions in Czech foreign policy. In addition, the AMO holds international conferences, round tables, public discussions and organizes educational seminars.

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