Asociación Madres del Dolor

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Asociación Madres del Dolor
purpose Victim Aid Association
Chair: Viviam Perrone
Establishment date: 2004
Seat : Buenos Aires

The Asociación Madres del Dolor (Suffering Mothers) is an Argentine organization of women who have lost their children to various violent crimes. Since 2004 it has been based in Buenos Aires .

Madres del Dolor is part of the Movimiento del Dolor , a citizens' movement against police violence and arbitrariness by the authorities. The goals of the organization include promoting and consolidating the performance of the judiciary, providing support and security to victims of violence and their families, and building a forum to protect the rights and security of the population. An essential principle is their political independence and impartiality. Your only legal representative is the lawyer Claudio Mazaira, who supports the organization on a voluntary basis.


  • Viviam Perrone, President, mother of Kevin Sedano.
  • Marta Canillas, Vice President, mother of Manuel Canillas.
  • Isabel Yaconis, finance, mother of Lucila Yaconis.
  • Silvia Irigaray, secretary, mother of Maximiliano Tasca.
  • Elsa Gómez, secretary, mother of Daniel Sosa.
  • Elvira Torres, secretary, mother of Cristian Gómez.
  • Nora Iglesias, board member, mother of Marcelita Iglesias.
  • Pompeya Gómez, board member, mother of Cristian Schärer

The children

  • The 14-year-old Kevin Sedano was hit and killed in 2002 in Vicente López, a district of the city of Buenos Aires. Kevin was crossing Libertador Street as a pedestrian when he was hit by driver Eduardo Sukiassián. The charioteer committed hit and run , but was later arrested and was sentenced to three years in prison. In 2001 the Supreme Court upheld the conviction after several appeals.
  • Juan Manuel Canillas was kidnapped in the Vicente López neighborhood of Buenos Aires in 2002 at the age of 23 and killed after receiving the ransom. Everything happened within a few hours. At that time people were often seized according to the system of secuestros express , so-called express kidnappings. After receiving the ransom, Juan Manuel was shot dead and his body carelessly thrown on the street of a residential area. The perpetrators Raúl "Chirola" Monti, Maximiliano Pico and Franco Gasperoti were sentenced to life imprisonment.
  • 16-year-old Lucila Yaconis was forcibly suffocated in 2003 in the Núñez district of Buenos Aires. The investigators are in possession of genetic samples of the perpetrator, but do not deal with his identity any further.
  • Maxi Tasco and Cristian Gómez, both 25 years old, were murdered in 2001 in the Floresta district of Buenos Aires. A police officer in uniform shot her dead in the office of a small gas station. The victims, three in total, - their boyfriend Adrián Matassa, who was two years their junior was also killed - were watching the news on television when they were shot. The perpetrator Juan de Dios Velaztiqui was sentenced to life imprisonment.
  • Daniel Sosa was murdered in 2001 at the age of 33 in the locality of Aldo Bonzi, La Matanza party in Buenos Aires. A civilian policeman who tried to steal Daniel's car killed him with multiple shots. The perpetrator Ramón Aníbal Olivera was sentenced to life imprisonment. Two of his children, also police officers, are said to have helped him with the crime.
  • Marcela Brenda Iglesias died in 1996 at the age of 6 on a small path that today bears her name. The accident occurred in the woods of Palermo (Buenos Aires) . Marcela was slain by a huge sculpture that was erected in a public square without permission. Because none of the Argentine authorities charged those responsible, the case was referred to the inter-American commission for human rights. This is a necessary step before the case goes to the inter-American court.
  • The 21-year-old Christian Schärer was kidnapped in Corrientes in 2003 and is still missing. Members of a powerful gang have been arrested and most will spend the rest of their lives in prison. However, the leaders are still at large despite being sought after internationally.


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