Currency balance

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The Ausmünzungsbilanz a country or a time period includes - similar to a commercial balance sheet - the profit and loss confrontation with the "producing and distributing" the national currency, d. E.g. that the cutting coins or even the paper money in their production and distribution generated a high profit (=  strike treasure ) compared to the issued face value and curant coins tended to generate no strike treasure, since here the minting costs etc. are not a fine metal reduction compared to the face value in Deduction. On the contrary - the last German golden Kurant coins, the 20- and 10-mark piece, cost more than they "brought in" for the state, since the German state z. B. after wear and tear and the associated weight loss, i.e. if the remendium was not reached , withdrew free of charge via the Reichsbank and replaced them with new, full-weight gold coins. This did z. B. Great Britain with its gold coins not.