Bank Ochrony Środowiska

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Bank Ochrony Środowiska (BOS SA) is a Polish commercial bank based in Warsaw . The bank divides its operations into two business areas: the Corporate and Public Finances business area and the Retail business area. The Corporate and Public Finances segment is divided into the Corporate segment, the Public Finance segment and the Ecological Fund segment, while the Retail segment is divided into the Individual segment, the Micro Corporate segment, the Residential Community segment and the Non-Governmental Organization segment (NGO ) is divided. Key products and services include deposit accounts, credit accounts, commercial credit facilities, investment banking services, trade finance services, and foreign exchange and fiduciary services. BOS SA also offers environmentally friendly services, such as credit facilities to finance investments in the field of environmental protection.

Headquarters of BOS Bank, Warsaw
Logo BOS Bank

The shares have been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange since 1997 . The bank's main shareholder is Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej (National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management) with a 58.05% share.

Shareholder structure

shareholder Percentage ownership %
Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej 58.05
Fundusz Inwestycji Polskich Przedsiębiorstw Fundusz Inwestycyjny Zamknięty Aktywów Niepublicznych 8.61
Dyrekcja Generalna Lasów Państwowych 5.54
Free float 27.80


  1. profile., accessed on August 6, 2020 .