As Baraber in are Bavarian-speaking unskilled construction workers called. The official name in Austria is construction worker , in Germany construction worker . Other (general, not related to construction) terms are henchmen or day laborers .
In Austria and Bavaria this term is also used disparagingly or as a swear word.
According to the Duden foreign dictionary, the word comes from Italian and would initially only have been used for Italian workers for someone who does not say “speak” but “parlare” (Italian for speak, talk ). Other sources see the Italian "barabba" ( Barabbas ) in a derived meaning crook, rascal as origin.
- Peter Wehle : Do you speak Viennese? . Verlag Carl Ueberreuter, 1980
- Josef Rambeck : The Barabers from Walchensee . Verlag Deutscher Baugewerksbund, Berlin 1931