Temporary surcharge after receiving unemployment benefit

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The temporary surcharge after receiving unemployment benefit , colloquially disparagingly referred to as the poverty acclimatization surcharge, was a temporary surcharge on unemployment benefit II according to § 24 SGB ​​II a. F., who was paid to those in need of assistance who were fit for work and who had previously received unemployment benefits .

The surcharge was introduced in the course of the Hartz IV reforms (amalgamation of unemployment benefits and social assistance ) on July 1, 2004 and was intended to cushion the loss of income during the transition from unemployment benefit to unemployment benefit II , as was previously the case with unemployment benefits. According to the explanatory memorandum for the law, account should be taken of the fact that former recipients of unemployment benefit, in contrast to those recipients of the new benefit who have only been in employment for a short period of time or who have never been employed, acquire an entitlement to unemployment insurance prior to receiving the new benefit through often long years of employment to have.

Within two years of the end of receiving unemployment benefit, those in need of assistance who were fit for work received a supplement to unemployment benefit II, which was calculated from:

Two thirds of the difference between these two amounts was awarded as an allowance. In the first year there was a maximum of 160 € for a single person and 320 € for two people in a partnership, as well as an additional 60 € for each minor child in the community of need. After the first year, the surcharge was reduced by half, but at the same time the maximum limit was removed.

There were minor changes in 2006, including an increase in the maximum limit of € 60 per child for children of full age. At the same time, the entitlement to the temporary surcharge was limited to the first receipt of unemployment benefit II after the end of receipt of unemployment benefit, and there was also a maximum for the second year that was exactly half the maximum for the first year.

Subscribers of the temporary surcharge were explicitly excluded from the exemption from the broadcasting fee (Section 4 (1), sentence 3, 15th Broadcasting Amendment Treaty ).

On January 1, 2011, the limited surcharge with the 2011 Household Supplementary Act was canceled without replacement.


  1. BT-Drs. 15/1516 , page 58
  2. Article 15 No. 4 Budget Accompanying Act 2011 of December 9, 2010, Federal Law Gazette 2010 I p. 1885