Complaints list

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The list of complaints (also called the list of complaints) was created as a questionnaire by Detlev von Zerssen around 50 years ago and was published in a revised version in 2011 (von Zerssen & Petermann, 2011). It served as a model for the HHM complaint list (by Kerekjarto, Meyer, & von Zerssen, 1972), the Freiburg complaints list (Fahrenberg, 1975) and the Giessen complaint sheet (Brähler & Scheer, 1983). The Complaints List - Revised Version ( B-LR ) is a self-assessment procedure for recording the subjective impairment caused by physical or general complaints, covering the entire spectrum from freedom from complaints to severe impairment.

to form

There are two parallel forms ( B-LR and B-LR ' ) available, each consisting of 20 items. For the revised version, the procedure was slightly shortened and re-standardized using a sample representative of the population. The measuring instrument can be used for different patient groups as well as for healthy people. The scale can be used repeatedly and is particularly suitable for psychological follow-up examinations.

Example: "I have the following ailments":

Inner unrest strong moderate barely not at all

(Statistical data

Application area

The list of complaints can be used for adolescents and adults aged 14 to 90 years. Test subjects should have a good understanding of the German language, both spoken and written. The procedure is used in somatic medicine, medical rehabilitation as well as clinical psychology and psychiatry . The instrument can be used across diseases in a wide variety of patient groups, i. H. both in patients with physical (especially chronic) and mental illnesses or disorders. Thus, it is primarily aimed at doctors and psychologists. The complaint list can be used in both individual and group settings. By repeating tests with the same person, the list also enables changes in specific complaints to be objectified and quantified. In addition to group comparisons within cross-sectional studies, the method is therefore also recommended for use in longitudinal sections (e.g. evaluation and therapy progress studies, catamnesis studies).


The determination of the reliability is limited to two central test parameters in both methods: the internal consistency and the test halving reliability. The internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) is α = .94 for both questionnaire versions. The split-half reliability is also very high in the B-LR with r = .93 and the B-LR 'with r = .91.


The convergent and divergent validity was proven by joint factor analyzes with construct-related and non-constructive methods (Patient Health Questionnaire-4, condition scale - revised version, questionnaire on life satisfaction, Quality of Relationships Inventory).


For both parallel forms, norms representative of the population for the age range from 14 to 90 years are available (B-LR: N = 1,230 / B-LR ': N = 1,267), whereby the test manual of the revised version again contains gender-specific norm tables. The following standard values ​​can be taken from this: Stanine , percentile and T values.

See also


  • E. Brähler, JW Scheer: The Giessen complaint sheet (GBB) . Hogrefe, Bern 1983.
  • J. Fahrenberg: The Freiburg Complaints List (FBL). In: Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie , 4. 1975, pp. 79-100.
  • M. von Kerekjarto, AE Meyer, D. von Zerssen: The HHM complaints list for patients in an internal medical outpatient clinic. In: Journal for psychosomatic medicine and psychoanalysis , 18, 1972, pp. 1-16.
  • D. von Zerssen, F. Petermann: B-LR - List of complaints - Revised version . Hogrefe, Göttingen 2011.

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