Bibliography of French literary studies

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The bibliography of French literary studies ( French Bibliographie d'histoire littéraire française ), better known as "Klapp" , is the leading bibliography of French literary studies in the German-speaking area and beyond. It was founded in 1963 by Otto Klapp and has been published annually since then. With the 24th volume his daughter Astrid Klapp-Lehrmann took over the editing.

In each annual volume, the work includes the monographs, edited works and journals published in the previous year, but also individual articles on French literary studies in numerous countries. The monographs and anthologies, as well as the individual essays contained therein, are listed and indexed according to epochs, writers and subject areas. Newer volumes contain around 15,000 items. Reviews are also mentioned; When a new review appears for a previously listed publication, it is repeated in abbreviated form in the corresponding volume, so that numerous multiple recordings occur. To this day, the bibliography is the only work tool that enables comprehensive research on all independent and dependent publications in Romance studies and is therefore still more detailed than any currently available online database.

The practice in bibliographing will therefore begin in German Romance studies with dealing with the "Klapp", which remains an indispensable tool.


  • Otto Klapp, Astrid Klapp-Lehrmann: Bibliography of French literary studies: 2017 . Ed .: Astrid Klapp-Lehrmann. Vittorio Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main 2018, ISBN 978-3-465-00373-1 .


  • Catherine Bernier, Michael David Miller: Une analyze des revues indexées dans le KLAPP (Bibliography d'histoire littéraire française) . Université de Montréal, Montréal May 17, 2016 (French, ).

Web links

  • Klapp-Online - digital edition of the "Klapp" for libraries