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The formability refers to the phenomenon in general, that an individual by various forms of learning evolve, and thus a more differentiated and organized individual flexible-environment relationship can produce ( adaptation ).

Animals are only able to do this within narrow limits. Their behavior is mainly controlled by inherited instinct and drive systems. It is therefore only on the basis of elementary learning acts (see imprinting (behavior) , conditioning , animal learning ) and by means of simple forms of influencing, e.g. B. the dressage, modifiable.

The term “imaginability” is therefore mainly or even exclusively applied to human development. Man is only directly hereditary in his general life functions. Its inherited or innate predispositions are therefore highly plastic and multipotent . Because of his most developed brain in comparison to all animal species, humans are given an extraordinarily high degree of imaginability.

Imaginability is by no means only somatically determined. On the one hand, it is an essential general prerequisite for the development of the individual. On the other hand, however, the ability to form depends largely on the level of social factors and can be significantly increased under favorable conditions and through optimal design of the special development conditions and the upbringing and educational process.

Formability thus enables education and at the same time requires it. It is therefore a matter of complementary and mutually dependent facts. Certain limits of imaginability can arise if inherited or acquired disorders in the somatic foundations, e.g. B. in oligophrenia or senility , or if the living and developmental conditions show massive deficiency symptoms, z. B. in malnutrition or lack of food, low-stimulation environment or social isolation z. B. in hospitalism .

In both cases, various methods of prophylaxis or therapy are used to try to avoid or minimize the reduction in formability or to overcome it entirely or in part.