Blair's Sauces and Snacks

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Blair's Sudden Death Sauce

Blair's Sauces and Snacks is an American company founded in 1989 that manufactures and sells seasoned sauces.


The company's best-known products are hot sauces, which under the name Blair's Death are usually provided with an imaginative-sounding attribute such as Mega Death , Golden Death , After Death or Ultra Death and which are assigned to the spicy sauces that are on the Scoville Scale reach the highest values.


Blair's Sudden Death Sauce (packaging)

The packaging of some spicy sauces corresponds to the shape of a coffin . Most products come with a key chain in the shape of a skull. This marketing strategy is apparently intended to emphasize the particular sharpness of the products and to point out their appropriate use (drop by drop).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The Scoville Heat Scale for Chilli Peppers and Hot Sauces from ChilliWorld. Compare relative heats all the way to Blair's 6 AM - pure capsaicin. In: Retrieved May 23, 2015 .