Bladder discharge

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The bladder drain was developed in 1839 by the Cologne physician and poor doctor Andreas Gottschalk . The purpose of the bladder drain is to collect and filter the urine to determine whether there are urinary stones or inflammation.


For this purpose Gottschalk designed filters made of differently woven layers of linen . Depending on the degree of sieving, urea or foreign matter got stuck in the corresponding filters and could be precisely determined in this way. Gottschalk documented the results of these tests in the article The Treatment of Bladder Paralysis . With the development of this pioneering method, Gottschalk is considered a pioneer in urology and nephrology .

Today's application

While in the past the examination was carried out by describing the observations (color, cloudiness, deposits from the bladder drainage, etc.), the smell and the taste (this is where the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus comes from, since mellitus means "honey-sweet" in Latin), nowadays the The initial examination is primarily carried out with the help of urine test strips.
