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In Buddhism Bojjhanga ( Pali ) refers to the seven members of enlightenment . When applied consistently according to Buddhist teaching, they bring about a liberation of the mind by practicing the four basics of mindfulness (according to Satipatthāna Sutta (MN 10)) and Ānāpānasati Sutta ( MN 118 ). They also belong to the basics of Vipassana - Meditation . They form a subdivision of the 37 necessary things for enlightenment ( Bodhipakkhiyadhamma ).

  1. Mindfulness ( p. Sati-sambojjhanga),
  2. Establishment of truth , investigation of lawfulness (p. Dhammavicaya-sambojjhanga),
  3. Willpower , perseverance (p. Viriya-sambojjhanga),
  4. Joy (p. Pīti-sambojjhanga),
  5. Calmness , serenity (p. Passaddhi-sambojjhanga),
  6. Collection (p. Samādhi-sambojjhanga),
  7. Equanimity (p. Upekkhā-sambojjhanga).

Mindfulness (sati)

Mindfulness has a central status in Buddhism , it is seen as a fundamental attitude. To be mindful means to be fully in the present, in the here and now and to be fully aware of your feelings, thoughts and actions in every moment. Mindfulness means to be related to oneself, to observe oneself and to follow it, and also to pay full attention to what is happening, to the other person.

What there is contemplation, contemplation, recalling, remembering, keeping in mind, thoroughness, non-forgetfulness, contemplation, ability to contemplate, power of contemplation, right contemplation: this is called contemplation. But the person equipped with this reflection is considered to be ready for reflection.

Inauguration of the Law (Dhamma-vicaya)

Under Dhamma -vicaya the clear detecting the Buddhist teaching is understood, as well as insight into the order of the universe laws.

Remaining mindful in this way, however, he fathoms, explores and ponders the law (or the phenomena) with insight.

Willpower (viriya)

Under Viriya the willpower, perseverance and effort will be understood. This relates to maintaining the effort in meditation.

There, ye monks, the monk in himself generates the will not to let bad, unwholesome things that have not arisen arise; he strives for it, uses his willpower, spurs his mind on and fights for it.

Joy (piti)

Piti means joy that is gained through gaining inner peace. The prerequisite, however, is to overcome judgmental thinking.

After calming the conception of thoughts and judgmental thinking, however, the monk gains inner peace, the unity of the spirit, the second deepening free from thought-forming and evaluative thinking, born in the deepening, filled with rapture and happiness.

Gestilltheit (passaddhi)

Under Passadhi refers Gestilltheit and tranquility. This is the physical and mental resilience that is achieved through meditation. The body calms down to the "delighted" person, and a state of calm is achieved.

In the spiritually rapturous, however, spirit and consciousness are still.
Thinking about it often and thoroughly, this is the nutrient that leads to the emergence of ... calmness. There is the idea of ​​calmness, an unmistakable idea. Thinking about this often and thoroughly, this is the nutrient. . . Of the collection.

Collection ( samadhi )

Samadhi contains the rules of absorption or immersion. It is the concentration and concentration, the focus of the mind on a single object of meditation. In concentrating on the breath, the mind becomes free of thoughts, so concentration means above all emptiness, to be free (of thoughts), not to be subjected to the roller coaster of judgmental thinking.

Samadhi is the mind being directed to a single object. The one-pointedness of the mind ... is considered the concentration

Equanimity ( upekkhā )

Upekkha means that one is indifferent and unaffected, i. H. is free from judgmental differentiation. There is complete rest in oneself, even in a crowd. Equanimity recognizes the equality of living beings; it expresses itself in that neither affection nor dislike appear. The mind is completely alone and at rest in itself.

But he behaves indifferently towards the spirit that is thus gathered .